Os Guinness educates: Students hear from the author and social critic Feb.15

Os Guinness, an author and social critic, gave a talk about restoring freedom in America at the School of Business on Feb. 15 at 7 p.m.

As the event started, Ryan Helfenbein, the executive director of the Standing for Freedom Center, introduced Guinness. Helfenbein described how a year and a half ago, he attended an event where Guinness spoke, and he began to pray that one day Guinness would be able to speak at Liberty University.

Photo by Kelley Atkinson

Prior to Guinness’ presentation, Helfenbein invited President Dondi Costin to pray over Guinness.

Guinness started his talk by speaking about the state of American, Western and the current global crises.

“There are only three broad options: renewal, replacement or decline,” Guinness said.

He described how all of the past great civilizations of history are in ruins, in history books or in museums.

“We are in a civilization moment,” Guinness said.

Guinness emphasized the need to remember and return to the Hebrew roots of freedom and the American republic. American schools emphasize Greek and Roman governments, yet they are not as similar to the American government as the Hebrew government was.

One large similarity between American government and Hebrew Government is noted on Mount Sinai: God gave the people the covenant, and the people consented, which is the origin of the consent of the governed.

“One thing that I learned was that our government is more like the Jewish system as opposed to the Greco-Roman government like I had been taught,” Joshua Chamberlain, a freshman, said.

Although not an American, Guinness has observed that many Americans protest things that they disagree with, but never consider what made America great in the first place. He answered this question by saying that it was founded by biblical principles.

Photo by Kelley Atkinson

Over the years, Guinness has not heard of talk about America’s decline from politicians until recently. He said that many people think that a decline always leads to a fall. Concepts like fate, karma and determinism suggest that there is no freedom. However, Christians and Jews would disagree. The Bible suggests that there is exile, but
returning to God will bring restoration.

“To understand the Scriptures is the once and future hope of the church and America,” Guinness said. He emphasized that the students of Liberty should stand for the biblical views of freedom.

One thing that Guinness emphasized was the way to make a difference, which is for Christians to be the salt and light in their circle of influence.

At the conclusion of the night, guests were able to buy Guinness’s new book, “The Magna Carta of Humanity.”

Twitchell is a news reporter for the Liberty Champion

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