Opinion: Social Media Giants Should Not Silence People’s Voices

In the weeks leading up to the election, it appears that social media apps like Twitter and Facebook made it clear who they want as their next president with tech censorship seeming to be at an all-time high. A recent example of this is The New York Post publishing the breaking news article regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, and both Twitter and Facebook have made it difficult for users to post about and share the story. Some users have been blocked in their attempt to share and have discussion about the story.

In preventing this story from being properly shared, Twitter and Facebook not only showed favoritism for Biden, but they have also done something far more dangerous: censor free speech.

Freedom of speech is a cornerstone to American democracy (it is our first amendment right after all), and with social media apps like Twitter and Facebook preventing this groundbreaking story from being shared, it shows that they not only do not care about the thoughts and ideas of conservatives, but they also do not care about free speech. When people in power break the rules that a democracy establishes, then the people in power have become corrupt and begin to use their power to benefit themselves. 

It is hard to remember the last time a politician, writer or speaker on the left was blocked on Twitter, but The New York Post getting locked out of its Twitter account and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner was blocked from his Twitter after a post about the border wall.

And they are not the only ones, as the White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was also locked out of her Twitter account when she attempted to share the story written by the New York Post. McEnany, not happy at all about her censorship, shared her thoughts with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

“This is not how a freedom-loving democracy operates,” she stated. “We have to hold Twitter accountable, and Facebook too, who is banning the transmission of this story simply because ideologically it hurts the side of the aisle that Silicon Valley prefers.”

In a time when people are being silenced for having a different viewpoint and for standing for beliefs that go against the system, it is important for both conservatives and Christians to stand up for their beliefs. Twitter and Facebook may only be blocking a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, but what story will they block next? If conservatives continue to remain silent on big tech censorship, the problem will only continue to grow until it is near impossible to fix. Although these are private companies who do have the right to censor what they wish, they also take public money and protection from the users of the platform.

There are ways to combat the censorship though, as others are finding ways to stand up for their right to the first amendment. Censortrack.org, a website created by the Media Research Center, was created to fight the censorship of conservative voices. The website’s goal is to work in a bipartisan way along with members of Congress to combat censorship of big tech. Parler, a social media application intended to be an alternative to Twitter, also aims to be a platform that prides itself on free speech, with no interference or censorship. Parler was created by John Matze and Jared Thomson as an alternative to Twitter.

As America continues to live and as those in power continue to rule, it is important for all of us, especially Christians, to be able to voice our beliefs and opinions in freedom. If Americans cannot properly do that, then the America that was created in 1776 will cease to exist.

In a room full of noise, the truth must be the clearest voice for everyone to hear.

Asher Notheis is an Opinion Writer. Follow him on Twitter at @AsherNotheis.

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