Liberty University’s School of Law ranks in the top 7 nationally on bar pass rates, top school in Virginia

Liberty University School of Law placed seventh  out of 203 schools for passing the bar exam, based on the American Bar Association’s pass rate data. Liberty ranked the highest in the state of Virginia, coming in right above University of Virginia School of Law and right under Yale University and Harvard University. Law school Dean Keith Faulkner said the high passage rate shows the quality of education the law graduates receive. 

 “We have one of the most rigorous and demanding programs of legal education, I would argue, in the country. Our professors expect excellence out of our students and our students expect excellence out of themselves,” Faulkner said. “Our curriculum is designed to make students pursue excellence in everything they do.”

Faulkner attributes the success of the law program to the dedication of the students.  

Liberty’s ranking among the best schools in the nation makes Liberty a more attractive option for law school candidates. 

“The goal is for Liberty to be the choice law school for both Christian and non-Christian law students. “We want our (graduates) to go out and inspire the legal profession and innovate the practice of law and impact society in a positive way,” Faulkner said. 

The law school’s goal is bar passage and employment, so the success makes law graduates more marketable.”

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