Convo connection

These three words come to mind when I ponder the events that took place on Liberty’s campus this past week — unprecedented, historic and monumental.



Unless you have been under a rock, you know Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, publicly announced March 23 to the Liberty community and national media that he will be running for president of the United States. Because I work under David Nasser with the Convocation team, I was able to witness and participate in the behind-the-scenes whirlwind that took place hours before the senator’s announcement. It was fascinating. Preparation for the event and the influx of media and security was abundant. It was exciting and somewhat intimidating at the same time.

During what was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, there was a deeply profound moment I will never forget — a simple, childlike gesture that has stuck with me.

In the midst of the busyness, one of Ted Cruz’s young daughters, Caroline Cruz, ran up to me and hugged me. I will never forget that hug and the look on her sweet, innocent face.

Caroline Cruz has no idea what her father and family are up against. She has no idea that she lives in world that is hostile to the conservative moral values and Christian ideology her father so valiantly proclaims. She does not understand that the world she lives in now will not be the same world in which she will one day raise her own children. But what Caroline Cruz does know, in all its beauty and simplicity, is that a hug is good.

I will never forget Caroline Cruz’s hug. It reminded me to live out in childlike faith what I know to be true — that no matter what is going on around the globe or in my own life, God is still good. And because of his goodness, we have the opportunity to make a difference and impact this generation through simple acts of love and kindness every single day.

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