Upcoming Events

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.

Grad Life has reserved the Flames Train for the baseball game against New Mexico State. Use your Flames Pass to get admissions and meet us at the Flames Train for priority seating and some BBQ!

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.

Enjoy the Commuter Lounge after hours with your grad student community. Study, play games, or just hang out during this weekly event. Refreshment and coffee will be served on a first come first serve basis.