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Getting to Know Who You Are – Be True to Yourself

Written by Olubunmi Fatoki, GSW


You do not have to be or act in a certain way to be accepting of yourself. I often struggle with my identity considering that I have lived in four different countries, and I have been exposed to diverse cultures, lifestyles, and languages. It also impacted the way I communicated with others. One thing I came to realize is that knowing who I am – my thoughts, emotions, and behavior – and, accepting who I am, makes communication easier. It makes being vulnerable easier too. In other words, I do not necessarily have to fit in to get along with others. I am who God created me to be.

Why do we struggle with who we are? You ask yourself, “What do I stand for?” or “What do I have to offer?” or “How do I fit in?” These questions plague you and you seek answers.

Let this sink in – You are uniquely created by God for His purpose. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born, I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 AMP). That should be your truth and not what society, or social media demands of you. So, let go of the pressure to “fit in” – Be True to Yourself!

Now, you might ask, how do I express myself when around others? First things first, take a deep breath and embrace yourself. Now get out there and start meeting people that will accept you for you. Surround yourself with people with positive attitudes and minds, that will bring out your personality and celebrate it. Keep friendships that allow your vulnerability, redirect you in love when you fall out of line, and support you mentally. Engage in activities that you are passionate about. Live true to your core values and be at peace with it. Yes, it is that easy. Do not allow society to complicate it.

As God’s children, created in His likeness, our core values are rooted in His word – the Bible. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105). Our core values – moral codes and principles, play a big role in our day-to-day life, especially guiding our decision-making and behavior.

So, in discovering and being yourself, recognize your duality – there will be positive and negative sides to you, days filled with ups and downs. It is important to consciously recognize your strengths and weaknesses, in order to position yourself to learn and grow from life’s experience. Nobody is perfect but you can strive for excellence.

“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.” – Julius Charles Hare

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