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Why does everyone seem to have friends but me? 

Written by Laura Frable, Wellness Coordinator

They don’t.

No matter where you are in your college career, know that everyone is still seeking their friends. You may feel alone because there are so many new faces. Guess what? It is okay to feel lonely but, PLEASE do not lock yourself in your dorm. Get involved. Go on a mission trip.

Get out and say hello. Find your passion. At Liberty University, there are so many things to do. You can connect with the Health and Wellness activities and join us for paint nights, BINGO, a LUAU, and Tie-Dye events. There are clubs of all kinds: Debate, band, sports, skiing, tubing, ice skating, bowling, horses to visit, trails to conquer, ultimate frisbee, shooting range, the LaHaye Center, and soon we will have a much larger lake.

College is fantastic because you get to be yourself and make your own choices. It is the only time in your life when people in your age bracket will surround you in daily life. College is just the beginning. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV).

Look for people that make you comfortable

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24 NIV). Surround yourself with positive people who will help you be the best you. Actions have consequences. Observe people, be friendly but choose your friends wisely. Always know who you are with and buddy up with good people when you go out (Proverbs 18-19).

Places to meet new people

If you are having trouble making friends, one strategy is just show up. Pick a place you enjoy and show up regularly.






Christian Service

Health and Wellness activities, LUAU, Tie Dye event, Paint night, BINGO

Club sports

Intramural sports

LaHaye Ice Center

LaHaye Rec. Center




Ultimate Frisbee field

Equestrian Center

Shooting range

Be friendly anywhere and everywhere

Get organized and ready to make friends

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us” (1 John 4: 11-12 NIV).

  1. Purchase a planner. Classes are your main priority; schedule them wisely: schedule time between classes to rewrite your notes. Do this faithfully, and you will simplify your study time.
  2. Read the syllabus and put critical due dates in your planner.
  3. Be open to meeting new people and others different from you. Remain easygoing. FOMO is not an option. It is okay to miss out on some things.
  4. Make time for socializing your second priority. Figure out what fun activities you want to do and arrange your study time and classes around it.
  5. Sometimes it is easier to make friends in the library than in your dorm, so schedule study time in the library. (It may be easier to focus in the library.)
  6. Talk to people in your classes. Create a study group and prepare to lead it. Teaching is a great way to make friends. It helps you learn the material because you must know it to teach it. Conducting a study group will build confidence and put you in a good light towards others.
  7. Speak to people everywhere you go. You will meet a diverse set of people on the bus that you may not encounter in your classes.
  8. When you are in your room, please open the door when convenient, so people feel welcome to stop in and say hello.
  9. Get out of your dorm room and experience life—go to events!
  10. Schedule your Christian Service time
  11. Schedule time to sleep so you feel alert and awake to meet new people.
  12. Schedule workout time. You can meet a lot of people when you work out.
  13. Schedule time for fun and invite people to join in. This invitation is a great way to expand your friend circle too!
  14. Spend weekends on campus
  15. Schedule time for prayer and contemplation. Pray for a good group of friends.
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