Direct Loans Q&A

Do you have student loan questions?
We have answers! Click the links below to learn more.
What if I cannot log in to complete the Entrance Counseling and E-MPN at
How do I apply for a Parent or Graduate PLUS loan?
How do I appeal a credit decision on a PLUS loan?
What will happen to the existing loans that I have borrowed from other lenders?
If I change federal loan programs, will I have to start repaying my other federal loans?
Where can I find Direct Loan information online?
How can I find the servicer for my federal student loans?
How do I sign my electronic Master Promissory Note (MPN) and complete the Entrance Counseling online?
You will need your FSA ID username and password.
As of March 29, 2015, if a borrower has been approved for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS or Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan by means of obtaining a qualified endorser or documenting to the satisfaction of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) that there are extenuating circumstances related to the borrower’s adverse credit, the borrower must complete the new Federal Direct PLUS Loan Counseling requirement at
If I have already completed a Federal Direct Loan E-MPN for another school, do I still need to complete one for Liberty University?
As long as you have been continuously enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours undergraduate and masters; 3 credit hours doctoral studies), you will not have to complete a new Federal Direct Loan E-MPN. If you have had a break in your enrollment, however, a new E-MPN will be necessary. In either case, you still have to complete Entrance Counseling.
What if I cannot log in to complete the Entrance Counseling and E-MPN at
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is working to expand browser compatibility, but until then, students must use Internet Explorer 6 or later, or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later to complete their Entrance Counseling and E-MPN.
How do I apply for a Federal Direct Parent or Graduate PLUS loan?
Sign-in with your information at Select “Loans and Grants” and then “PLUS Loan” from the options on the top of the page, choose the type of loan you plan to apply for, and complete the application.
How do I appeal a credit decision on a Federal Direct PLUS loan?
Liberty University will not process a credit decision on any Federal Direct Federal PLUS loans and will only accept the official credit decision offered by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Should a borrower wish to appeal a credit decision, they should:
- Contact Application Services at (800) 557-7394 to speak with a representative from the U.S. Department of Education — Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-11 p.m. (ET).-or-
- Find an endorser for the loan and complete an official endorser addendum located on the federal website. This must be submitted with the ticket number assigned to you by the U.S. Department of Education Application Services Department.
What will happen to the existing loans that I have borrowed from other lenders?
After graduation you have a choice: you may either make individual payments to your previous lender(s) and to the U.S. Department of Education (ED), or you can consolidate your loans into one payment with ED through a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan.
If I change federal loan programs, will I have to start repaying my other federal loans?
No, your other federal loans will not have to be repaid as long as you remain enrolled at least half-time.
Where can I find Direct Loan information online?
- StudentAid.Gov: Head here to request a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID, complete an Entrance Counseling requirement, or sign a Master Promissory note (MPN).
- Federal Loan Consolidation Information Website
- Federal Direct Servicing Website
- Federal Direct Loan Informational Website
How can I find the servicer for my federal student loans?
- Follow the step-by-step instructions.
- Federal Loan Servicers List