SA Previews: Toy Story 4

September 6, 2019


After almost a decade since Toy Story 3 came out, Toy Story 4 made its way to the box offices and has not disappointed. According to Insider, Toy Story 4 has the highest rating on Rotten Tomatoes than the other three Toy Story movies. This movie adds more of a mature theme of self-realization through the events in the toys’ lives. Through the story, we meet new characters like Forky and Gabby Gabby, and we’re reacquainted with the classics, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, as they learn their roles as toys, in leadership positions, and facing their insecurities. Ironically, the toys in Toy Story 4 face many of the same challenges college students face during seasons of change and experiences. In my opinion, Toy Story 4 is comical, nostalgic, beautiful, and educational. The life lessons through the character progression are really strong and the producers did an incredible job of having the struggles be relatable, but also not lose the context of the toys’ storyline.

I really enjoyed the process of the character of Forky because I feel like I can relate to him. Forky is a make-shift toy who was made by kindergartener, Bonnie, at her first day of school using items out of the trash can. To all of the toys’ disbelief, Forky came alive and became Bonnie’s favorite toy. Forky refuses to believe that he could be a toy and attempts to throw himself away because that is where he feels he belongs. I think a lot of people can relate to the way that Forky feels. He is completely blinded by his past and feels invaluable and unworthy. From what I’ve observed personally, almost everyone in their life has felt the way Forky did, defined by our pasts and avoiding positions of worth because we feel unqualified. Biblically, there is truth in this situation that Forky faces throughout the plot of Toy Story 4. Often times we think we are unworthy, but because we are children of God, we are loved and valued. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” The way Jesus loves us is the reason that we can walk in our purpose and do incredible things for the kingdom even if our pasts look similar to the trash that Forky retreats to. We are His creations and should live in the confidence that we are His precious possessions.

A consistent character within the Toy Story series is Woody, a toy cowboy sheriff who started off with being Andy’s toy. Since then, he has had to learn to share the spotlight with other toys, be able to lead them in their purpose, and often be a voice of reason.  For the first time, Toy Story 4 shows Woody’s struggle to find his purpose and the insecurity of feeling unneeded. Throughout the movie, we see Andy work hard to maintain the happiness of their kid, Bonnie, even though he may not be the most desired toy anymore. The New York Times asks the question that is a theme throughout Toy Story 4 and particularly in Woody’s case, “What is a toy without the love of a child?”  In the end, Woody realizes that his time as a toy to Bonnie was over. It was beautiful to see how he recognized that there is a season for everything and that this one in particular, was over. He recognized that he did his job well and it was time to rest. As college students, our seasons are constantly changing. It can be difficult sometimes to see a season end, or even in contrast, waiting for another one to come. Roles, scenery, and people change and go with seasons, it is all about being content in the season that you are in and trusting in what the Lord has for you in the next one.

Buzz Lightyear, another classic main character, had to find the leader within himself which was unfamiliar, and he felt unqualified. He was thrown into a position of leadership to help Woody, Buzz was able to rely on his “inner voice” which proved to himself he can be a leader and a hero, which he didn’t even know he was capable of. His confidence grew and it ended up being perfect timing as he began to take over the crew of toys now that Woody is gone. He was under Woody’s leadership for so long and it showed that he observed and learned and was ready to take it on himself. Leadership roles can often be intimidating, especially when you are not prepared to take it on. I thought the correlation of the theme of listening to your “inner voice” was really cool and made me think about the voice of God in our lives. I constantly confuse my own voice with God’s and vice versa. If we’re not careful, we can begin to take credit for the words that God puts in us for our own and take credit for it. Being able to ask God for wisdom and having the ability to hear from Him is incredible.

Another new addition to Toy Story is a baby doll named Gabby Gabby. This doll has been stuck in an antique store practically her whole life because from the time she was placed on the shelves, her voice box was broken so no one wanted to take her home. In response to her pain of being rejected, she was selfish by using Woody to take his voice box. Hurt people hurt people, am I right? Once she finally got what she thought would solve all of her problems, she was rejected once again and her pain for the past couple years slapped her in the face once again with no other solution in sight. She had to come to terms with her rejection. What Gabby Gabby did not know yet was if the little girl had taken her home, she wouldn’t have been able to be there for the lost little girl that she ended up getting to comfort and go home with.  In this stage of life, when things do not play out how we think we will, we feel stuck. Often times it feels like every direction is hopeless and we want to turn around, but little do we know that if we take two more steps, we will reach the best thing yet! Timing is everything and that can either be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. Acts 1:7 states, He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” It is so comforting to be able to rest in the fact that God’s timing is perfect and if we wait, we will be able to experience the plan that God has for our lives.

Toy Story 4 has so many life lessons through new and old characters that are hidden within the entertainment of a fun and intriguing plot. The nostalgia of the toys that we all grew up loving is beautiful and ends in a way that all fans gain a resolution. It is the end to an era that people will never forget. A cool fact about the Toy Story movies that I learned from Insider is that Woody is always the last person to speak before the end credits and remained a common theme throughout the movie. Having Woody say the final words in the end of this movie meant more as it was his final departure of being a kid’s toy.  Personally, the Toy Story series will always have a place in my childhood and will forever serve as a comfort and reminder of the beautiful ways of life and creativity.


Written by: Kallie Moore

Kallie is a Sophomore Digital Media Video Major and enjoys writing for the blog because of the amazing platform it is to have a voice and discuss topics that might not be commonly addressed.