SA Previews: Q Union

March 12, 2021

We are so excited to be hosting another Q Union here at Liberty on March 19th at 7pm in the LaHaye Event Space, featuring guest speakers and amazing snacks. Q Union is a national event focused on addressing difficult topics and conversations, and sharing the light of the gospel in our culture through communication and discussion. The event features three broadcasted speakers, and three, in-person, student speakers. This year the broadcasted speakers include an array of authors and leaders including Annie F. Downs, Curt Thompson, and Gabrielle Odom. After the three livestreamed speakers, we’ll get to hear from some of our own Liberty student leaders. This year’s student speakers are Zane Richer, Joe Carson, and Taylor Murray.

I was able to speak with Taylor a little more about what she’s planning on sharing with us. Taylor Murray is a Senior here on campus, studying Christian Leadership and Church Ministries. After graduation, she plans to continue her education and stay at Liberty as a Senior Resident Shepherd under Jordan Justice. Taylor’s Q Union talk focuses on Spiritual Disciplines, Loneliness, and Our Generation. She shared some amazing thoughts with me about the mindset of our culture:

“With the emphasis on social media in our generation, many of us feel trapped in ‘picture-perfect prisons.’ We portray someone we want to be or that we think others will consider likable, but we feel deeply alone inside. For many of us the only experiences we’ve had with intimacy is when we pretend to be someone else. We don’t think that others would accept us if they saw the ‘real’ us, and this belief has often been translated onto God. We’re often overwhelmed with doubts and fears, and we can struggle to believe that He is trustworthy. Our hyper connected but lonely generation is proof that without trust, there is no opportunity for intimacy.

“At Q Union, I’ll share how God has been misunderstood, fueling our mistrust and resulting in a lack of true connection. I’ll share my personal story of stepping out of hiding and into a deeper kind of authenticity.”

Q Union is an amazing opportunity to come alongside other young believers and equip ourselves to have better dialogue surrounding difficult conversations. See you all on March 19th!


Written by: Lisa Diaczynsky

Lisa is a Junior studying Business Administration and Graphic Design. She enjoys writing for the blog to express her creativity as well as sharing her views and opinions. She is passionate about healthy relationships, graphic design, social/political reform and mental health.