SA Previews: Ford v Ferrari

February 12, 2020

When you see the title Ford v. Ferrari, you may think that this movie is only made for the car junkie who tells you about the newest upgrade to his car while you smile and nod even though you don’t know how to jump your car battery. This is far from the truth. Ford v. Ferrari is based on the incredible true story of Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon), a retired racer, and Ken Miles (Christian Bale), an ambitious British racer, and their journey to build a revolutionary race car and racing team to beat race car powerhouses, such as Enzo Ferrari (Remo Girone), at the track Le Mans.

While the trailer makes this movie look like a serious, put-together story, this movie puts you in the same chaotic, ambitious shoes of Shelby and Miles. The dialogue is filled with passion and conflict as the team from Ford is hustling to build a world-class race car after Enzo Ferrari backs out of a deal to sell his company to Ford because of a much more lucrative deal given to him by Fiat. In 1964, Shelby would take over the Ford GT40 project from John Wyer after the Nassau Race, and Shelby with the help of Ford would go on to make the GT40 a staple of not only Ford engineering but of all racecar engineering.

Come out to the LaHaye Event Space on February 29 at 8pm to watch this incredible true story of an underdog duo.


Written by: Andrew Reynolds

Andrew is a Senior Project Management Major, and enjoys writing for the blog because of the opportunity it gives him to grow as a writer and to challenge himself to see current topics and discussions from a view point he may not have otherwise thought about.