SA Previews: Every Square Inch Conference

February 26, 2021

The mission of Liberty University is to train up champions for Christ who go out into culture to missionally influence it for the advancement of the Kingdom. That mantra sounds great on pamphlets and bumper stickers, but how does one practically engage with culture and leverage their livelihood for Christ when they are not in a role where ministry work is expected? How does an engineer examine Exodus with their coworkers? What does it look like to point to Christ while co-piloting a plane? How do we use “every square inch” of this life that God has given us to glorify Him and make Him known?

Thankfully, the 5th Annual Every Square Inch Conference aims at helping Christians young and young at heart cultivate Christianity in culture. Named in reference to a famous Abraham Kuyper quote, the conference will take place over March 5-6 and will involve a panel discussion, a concert, and a main lecture.

The 5th is the most packed day with a panel discussion, on vocation and cultivation, taking place on the 4th floor of DeMoss in room 4412. The panel will feature Liberty Vice President of Recreation and Logistics Chris Misiano, Executive Director of the Center for Public Christianity Dr. Joshua Chatraw, and songwriter Chris Renzema. Renzema will have the busiest day of the three speakers, as he will follow the afternoon panel discussion with a limited-capacity, in-person concert at the LaHaye Event Space. Dr. Chatraw, who is making his return to Liberty having once served as the Executive Director of the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, will host a lecture in the LaHaye Event Space at 7 PM on the 6th. The title of the lecture is “Telling a Better Story,” and will be followed by a Q&A.

All events are limited capacity to abide by COVID-19 guidelines, so get there early with a notepad, pen, and friend. Both the panel discussion and main lecture are free, but the concert does require a ticket purchase. Currently, the concert is sold out but if more tickets become available, Student Activities will inform the public on social media.

In years past, speakers such as Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury and Trevin Wax have left conference-goers intellectually curious and motivated for Gospel cultivation in culture. Those who make it out to the conference are sure to leave with “every square inch” of them perplexed.


Written by: Landen Swain

Landen believes the human experience longs to be expressed; through our art, our labor, our songs, our storytelling. As a published playwright, author, and poet, he enjoys expressing his little chapter of the human experience through his writings and is thankful that the SA blog allows him to do that. He is published in numerous magazines, literary journals, and has several plays published by Off the Wall Plays, an online play publishing house.