SA Previews: Community Yard Sale

April 16, 2021

Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, the sun is out, the old is gone, and the new has come. Just like nature, we clean out the old to make way for the new. That’s right, it’s time for some Spring cleaning. Whether you dread the chore of decluttering or are excited for get a fresh start, you may as well get the most from all the time you put in cleaning out your home and make a little extra spending cash from the process. You know what they say – one person’s well-loved and appreciated clothing and household items are another person’s treasure (okay, that’s not exactly what they say but “trash” just sounds weird).

Where will you sell all your previously loved goods? You’re in luck! On April 24, we are hosting our annual Community Yard Sale. This is the place to be if you want to resell some of your old clothes or if you want to go secondhand shopping. This semester on the blog, we have already discussed the importance of shopping second hand. So, if you’ve been inspired to shop ethically and desire to find some one-of-a-kind pieces, you do not want to miss this event.

SA will provide everything you need to have a pleasant shopping experience and be giving out free iced coffee and donuts. We will also have a new Community Yard Sale exclusive tote bag and SA branded sunscreen – both for free, so you will have something to carry your new purchases. All you need to bring is yourself and some cash.

If you would like to be a vendor, visit the Student Activities website for how you can purchase a table space to set up your shop. This event is open to the public, so whether you are a Liberty student, alumni, or long-time Lynchburg local, we would love to see you at our Community Yard Sale!


Written by: Sarah Day

Sarah is a junior majoring in Youth Ministry. Sarah enjoys writing for the blog because she loves exploring the ways that the simplest things in our lives impact us in the most meaningful ways. She is passionate about connecting with people, talking about what truly matters and baking.