SA Previews: Coffeehouse: The Late Show

March 19, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, sit back and enjoy the show – Coffeehouse: The Late Show is coming! It is that time of year again and we are all so excited to meet in the Vines Center for the iconic event next Saturday, March 27. Coffeehouse is one of Student Activities’ longest running events and also one of the most popular events we put on each semester.

With the brand new roof completed on the Vines Center, we are able to move back to an in person performance this semester! To stay within current state and university guidelines, 250 in-person attendees will be permitted in the venue for the show. Because of this capacity limitation, for the first time ever, we are hosting a double feature. The first showing will be at 7 p.m. and the second is at 11 p.m. The double-header gives the early birds a chance to get to bed at a good time, while the night owls can get their fill of late night entertainment.

Speaking of late night entertainment – that actually happens to be the theme at Coffeehouse: The Late Show. You can expect some hilarious sketches, incredible musical performances, and we will even have our very own house band there to set the mood throughout the night. As our team puts on this event with the fun and playful theme of a talk show, we want to give you and the whole student body a fun and playful experience. The night to be filled with memories made and smiles all around as you watch the full experience of Coffeehouse: The Late Show with your friends.

Sadly, in-person tickets are sold out for both shows, but you still have the chance to catch a piece of the action. Student Activities wants every student to still feel involved whether they were able to get an in-person ticket or not. Because of that, we are offering a virtual ticket option to anyone who is unable to attend the show in-person. Head on over to our website to make the purchase for either show time. If you purchase a virtual ticket, you can livestream the show with up to five of your friends! Our advice is to split the cost of the $10 ticket amongst the six of you so that you can watch for cheap.

As Coffeehouse: The Late Show approaches, our hearts rush with excitement to put this event on for each of you. We hope to see you there and if you cannot come, we hope you get to enjoy this event from your dorm room, library booth, or maybe even from the chairs of Demoss with your friends. So make sure to mark your calendars, because Coffeehouse will be here soon, and you won’t want to miss a second of it!


Written by Riley Anderson

Riley is a junior majoring in Christian Leadership and Church Ministry with a minor in Biblical Studies.