SA Previews: Binge & Banter: The Mandalorian

February 6, 2020

Welcome to Episode 3 of Binge and Banter! This time around we will be discussing the famed Disney+ show The Mandalorian. On February 18th, Student Activities will be hosting the “Banter” portion of this show. During this event, we will be showing short clips of the series, discussing characters, significant plot moments and symbolism, and driving at hyperspace speed into fan theories with complementary Star Wars-themed concessions being available. Both Sith and Jedi alike can come for a night of discussion about this beloved Disney+ series with plenty of audience discussion to be had. In the past, we have covered binge-worthy shows such as 13 Reasons Why and Stranger Things with audience interaction being the cornerstone of the event, so come prepared to comment and theorize with us about the vast Mandalorian series.

Following a grizzled bounty hunter who was rescued by the fierce Mandalorian people at a young age and raised as one of their own, The Mandalorian is the story of how Din Djarin discovered and must protect a half-century old child of the same species as famous Jedi Master Yoda. The Child, who displays impressive force-sensitivity despite being the equivalent of a baby in his species, has yet to be named but is highly sought after by the Imperial Forces. Regardless, both bounty hunters and Imperial forces alike are going all out in search of the Child, who is protected solely by the father-like protectorate Mandalorian.

Binge and Banter: The Mandalorian is a free event open to students, staff, and the public. Disclaimer: there will be spoilers, and some of the talking points we will discuss have ties to other Star Wars TV shows such as “Rebels” and “The Clone Wars”, so it is recommended that you come having watched those or at least have looked into their involvement with the Mandalorian people and folklore. Cosplay is welcomed and encouraged, but not required. If you’re not already thinking about coming, Student Activities will be giving away a whole year subscription to Disney+ to someone who attends the event! From the event developer perspective, few events have made us more excited, and we hope that excitement has carried over to you as well. Come to Student Activities Binge and Banter: The Mandalorian on February 18th – I have spoken.

Written by: Mike Tammaro, Landen Swain, Alex Quan, and Josiah Frisbie

Mike is a Junior double majoring in Finance and Economics and writes for the blog in order to expand my skills as a student. As a business major, the curriculum does not allow for a lot of creative writing, so being able to publish written work is freeing from my normal educational routine.



Swain believes the human experience longs to be expressed; through our art, our labor, our songs, our storytelling. As a published playwright, author, and poet, he enjoys expressing his little chapter of the human experience through his writings and is thankful that the SA blog allows him to do that. He is published in numerous magazines, literary journals, and has several plays published by Off the Wall Plays, an online play publishing house.



Alex is a Junior Business Communications Major and enjoys writing for the blog because of the opportunity to express his thoughts and interests through the medium of a blog! It’s a healthy way to share his opinions with others and hopefully start a dialogue with them.



Josiah enjoys writing for the blog because he believes in the power of discussing relevant topics. He wants to be challenged in his writing and research style while still growing and striving for knowledge.