Let’s Grow: 3 Lessons From SA

April 7, 2022

While we’re on the subject of growing, let me tell you how being a part of Student Activities has helped shaped me into the person I am today.

Even though I have only been a part of SA for a semester and a half, the things I have learned through this job are things that I will most definitely take with me into the future. Especially as I enter the “adult world” after I walk across the stage in May as I graduate and receive my diploma.

A few specific lessons come to mind.

PUSHING ONESELF: To be a part of Student Activities is to push yourself in ways you might have never imagined. Something I have been continuously reminded of, and humbled by, is how I am never in my lifetime going to be a power lifter. I am also not, by any means, Picasso’s prodigy when it comes to artistic ability. However, Student Activities has given me numerous opportunities to strengthen those skills and abilities such as allowing me to paint the moon for The Great Beyond Coffeehouse and making every day an arm day when it comes to loading/unloading the trucks when setting up for an event. The importance of pushing oneself is especially needed in a job such as Student Activities because there are so many times where the hours are long, and one may start to feel weary or drained. However, having the mentality and motivation of getting the job done and getting it done well to serve the student body is something that should drive one to push past the tiredness one may be feeling in that moment. Even after a potential difficult shift, being able to confidently walk away knowing you have done your very best is such a good feeling.

SERVICE IS NOT LIMITED TO ONE POSITION: After being a Community Group Leader last semester and absolutely loving it, I had a hard debate with myself whether I wanted to remain a CGL or join Student Activities. I liked the idea of being a part of leadership and spiritual growth on campus again. I had 27 girls in my community group (yes, you read that correctly!!) and being able to pour into their lives was such a rewarding feeling. Not only was I helping build community and encouraging my girls to grow in their relationship with Christ, but I was also able to become more intimate with Him through ministry as well. However, I decided to take the chance and step into a brand-new position – working for Student Activities – and I have no regrets whatsoever. Being a part of this team has reminded me that serving is not limited to one position such as being a CGL, RS, or any leadership position at all for that matter. Giving away free coffee and interacting with the student body on a day-to-day basis is its own form of service. Wearing a smile and bringing the light of Christ into people’s lives even if it’s just through giving them an SA branded tumbler, tote bag, t-shirt, etc. it is an absolute honor and joy. Seeing their eyes light up in excitement is truly such a sweet and heart-warming feeling! As Christians, we are called to live our lives overflowing with mercy, love, and compassion. These are the marks of the Kingdom of Heaven, and this is what Student Activities aims to accomplish by serving the students at Liberty – reflecting Christ in every interaction. Every day, we have the opportunity to be vessels and share the Gospel wherever we go – no matter what position we are in.

And lastly…..

APPRECIATING AND UTILIZING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: I will rave about this till the day is done….Student Activities is made up of such incredibly talented individuals. Like I mentioned earlier, lifting and visual art are things I struggle with and definitely do no pride myself in. However, what Student Activities has instilled in me is how that is perfectly ok! I know this might be a shock for some of you, especially you type A people, but you actually do not have to be good at everything!! It is okay to fall back and let those who do have talent in those areas pop off in areas where you may not excel. Just make sure not to limit yourself either. The Lord has created us all so beautifully and uniquely. It is up to you to find out what those things are and utilize them for further advancement of the Kingdom. James 1:17!!!

So, as you see, Student Activities has taught me more than I would have ever anticipated, but the Lord has used this department to bless me in numerous ways that I am so grateful for.

Come check out our Job Fair on April 12th from 1-3 p.m. on the third floor of Montview. Apply to join our team, and get ready to grow more than you could ever know!!


Written by: Hayley Lundberg

Hayley is a Senior majoring in Strategic Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. She enjoys working with her Student Activities family and is very grateful for the opportunity to be apart of such a creative team who truly cares about the students of Liberty. The blog in particular has been a great outlet for her to share with others!