Five Questions with Andrew Belle

October 11, 2017

We caught up with Andrew Belle and asked him a few questions about his new album. Read his answers below!

How did you get your start in music?

After college I moved to Chicago, got a job waiting tables, and began playing out at any bar, coffee shop, restaurant, and open mic I could find. I spent the next two years writing songs and learning how to perform live all over the city. Eventually I moved to Nashville, met a few friends who helped me record my first album The Ladder and was asked to join the national touring group Ten out of Tenn. It was at that point that I began having success with placing my music on television and was able to begin building my career.

What has been your favorite venue to perform at so far?

In 2015 I was able to perform at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville with Ten out of Tenn. I had heard so much about that venue but never had the chance to perform on its stage. Practically any legendary musician or band you can think of have performed there at some point, so I was thrilled to be a part of that history. And the show we put on that night was incredibly memorable – it was probably the most fun I’ve had on a stage since I began doing this ten years ago.

What picture do you want to paint through “Dive Deep”? (What theme is the album trying to portray as a whole?)

A bunch of the songs on this album are about entering into a new season of your life and the choices that come along with those transitions. As I get older, decisions become harder and harder to make because there’s more at stake now. I remember when my wife and I decided to have our first child – we were excited but also terrified at the notion of our entire life changing as we knew it. It’s easy to get caught up in indecision or to be so afraid to make the wrong choice that you don’t end up making any choice at all. I decided to call this album Dive Deep because what I seem to be saying in a lot of these songs is, no matter what stage of life you’re in or what decisions lie in front of you – don’t be afraid to move forward, to be all-in on a choice you make. If it’s the wrong one – it’s ok, that’s how we grow. Some of the best things in my life have come from not knowing if something was going to work or not – but taking a leap anyway.

If you could open for any musician/band, who would you choose?

I would love to open for Radiohead more than any other band.

What is your favorite song to perform?

My favorite song to perform live lately is a new one called Black Clouds. There is just something about the vibe and the energy of it – and it’s not too hard to sing!

You can check out ticket information and prices to the Andrew Belle concert here!