Fall is not just a season, It’s a lifestyle

September 28, 2023

Fall is a cult following. Everyone’s slight obsession with Gilmore Girls, pumpkin spice lattes and Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” are just a start. From the moment you feel the first chill in the air, everyone starts talking excitedly about the coming season. No more sweaty days and sunburns, it’s time for Sunday Night Football and apple picking!


I don’t know about you, but the start of fall gives me a sense of nostalgia and a chance for new beginnings. Ouroverstimulated brains are always needing to be entertained, so the change in the weather helps motivate us for the coming season. The shift in the season signals a fresh start for many people as they want a break from the long days and summer heat. Something as simple as leaves changing colors brings about a change in scenery and helps break up the stretch of summer that we’ve been enduring. It also gives us something new to look forward to along with the chance for students to get back into a set routine again. I believe that the beginning of this season helps reset our brains and gives us a refreshed perspective for the new semester.


Certain music and media trends really play into the whole culture surrounding the fall season too. Shows such as Friends and Gilmore Girls have been known to be classic “fall” shows. Indie music tends to rise in popularity during this time too, with it bringing about the peaceful feeling of fall.


It’s also the start of sweater season. Thrifting is becoming increasingly popular amongst Gen-Z, which fits the fallculture so perfectly. October will bring about a lot of college students shopping at local thrift stores for sweaters andoversized sweatshirts. Thrifted sweaters compliment the fall aesthetic so perfectly, and with chillier weather on the way, we will see no stop to these staple fall outfits that everyone has been missing all summer.


But it’s more than just that. Fall is wrapping yourself up in a blanket while watching a movie and sipping on some hot apple cider. It reminds me of a cozy home, eagerly awaiting the upcoming holiday season. These special and distinct moments are just a glimpse into what makes everyone so obsessed with this season.


A few students on campus were interviewed about their favorite fall activities and opinions on fall in general. When asked about what music is prominent during these months, Chandler Dingle, an English Education major, said that “Despite the many opinions I’ve heard saying otherwise, to me, Folklore breathes Autumn air. Its collection of soft,mysterious, and ruminative tunes, sends a chill down my spine that only a crisp temperature can. Tracks like ‘Exile,’ ‘Cardigan,’ and ‘The 1’ make me want to hide away under a warm blanket during a thunderstorm, or skip along the sidewalks covered with crunchy leaves. A feeling bringing the adventures of summer to a halt, and welcoming the beautiful yellows, oranges, and reds”.


If you are part of the “fall cult following” or want to experience some fun fall activities for yourself, then come out toFall Fest on Saturday, September 30th starting at 5:30pm at Hydaway Outdoor Center!


Written by Kaila Haines

Kaila is a junior studying Family and Consumer Sciences: Event Planning. She loves doing anything outdoors, music, writing, and is always down for an adventure!