Cool Shirt …. But can you name three songs?

October 5, 2023

“If you’re a real fan, name two songs by them.”

The dreaded question. Long seconds of silence. The answer will be the sole determining factor of whether you’re cool or uncool. And all you wanted to do was wear a piece of vintage band merch.

While classic rock gurus and music connoisseurs have been tormenting the everyman for wearing merch for bands they don’t listen to since the dawn of fandoms, they do pose a legitimate question: if we don’t know a band or enjoy them personally, why are we so willing to emblazon them on our clothes for all to see? Pop on a Nirvana playlist and let’s dive in.

To understand why indie fanatics are so bent on preserving the sanctity of merch in the first place, let’s look back to when it first arrived on the music scene: the 1950’s; for the king himself, Elvis Presley. The earliest known piece of merch was made by an Elvis fan club in the late ‘50s, but it didn’t take long for the trend to catch on. Soon enough, people were clamoring for tees with The Beatles’ faces across the chest (and who could blame them, honestly?). Fans got their tees, promoters got their cash; everyone was happy. However, it wasn’t until a decade later in the late ‘60s that rock concert T-shirts truly became a viable commercial product. This self-defined “hippie” era also saw the advent of political protest T-shirts and the use of T-shirts as an art medium, more a piece of self-expression than a piece of fabric [1] .

This ideology hasn’t gone anywhere: whether we admit it or not, many of us view our favorite artists as an extension of our own identities. Music speaks volumes about our personalities, styles, and aesthetic preferences, which is why we broadcast our Spotify wrapped and are so quick to post at a concert on our Instagram story. We’re hoping to be perceived in a certain way by others. But before the existence of social media, people declared their allegiance to artists through wearing merchandise. Putting on a band tee set you apart, signifying you belonged to a subculture and sending a clear message that you were a unique, even rebellious, individual.

Okay, but you don’t listen to Def Leppard. Why do you still have a T-shirt with the Hysteria album cover in your closet? There’s psychology behind that, too.

First, let’s talk nostalgia. Even if we haven’t experienced a band’s sound for ourselves, most of us in this generation have grown up hearing about the iconic era of classic rock from the ‘60s-’90s from our parents and grandparents. As they relive the glory days of concert culture or play their old CDs in the car on long drives, we develop our own opinions and perceptions surrounding the band, most of which are positive associations. In adulthood, when we open our drawer and decide to throw on a band tee, we’re able to experience secondhand nostalgia, generationally tapping into a culture that we never experienced, but always heard about.

Next, there’s the influence of “evergreen” fashion trends. Let’s face it, even if our parents have only ever listened to KLove Radio our entire childhood, we’re still drawn to band tees like moths to a flame. They have undeniable aesthetic appeal that makes us willing to risk the embarrassment of not knowing a single song time and time again. Turns out, it’s not just masochism. According to Paradiso Clothing, “Classic logos, album art, and tour graphics often boast a timeless quality transcending generational boundaries. The simplicity of these designs allows you to remain relevant and stylish…” even if you don’t have a personal connection to the artist [2]. This just in: it’s okay to say, “I thought the design looked cool.” Just call yourself a lover of evergreen trends.

Finally, let’s discuss what it means for band merch to be “vintage.” It’s no secret that the market for vintage clothing is on the rise. We’ve all seen the TikTok videos of people digging through the Goodwill bins for the perfect “authentic” oversized T-shirt. Or, for the more civilized, buying vintage from the upscale retailer set up on the lawn outside the library. Classic rock merchandise is at the pinnacle of this new wave, the perfect mix between timelessly cool graphics and an individualistic superiority complex.

It comes full circle to the fans of the 1960s: most of us aren’t just wearing merch because we love the band or even think the design is stylish, but because putting on merch declares our allegiance to a subculture. It’s a statement: not about the band, but about ourselves.

TL;DR: Is it okay to wear merch for a band you don’t listen to? Absolutely. Whether it’s for childhood nostalgia, to keep up with timeless trends, or simply a newfound vintage purchase, classic rock merch is undeniably cool. If you have it, you should show it off! We’re giving you the perfect opportunity this Friday night: if you wear a piece of classic rock merch to our Classic Rock Concert on top of the Runk and Pratt Garage at 7 p.m., you waive the $2 entrance fee!

We’re not gatekeepers around here. Joan Jett isn’t the only one who loves rock and roll, after all.



[2] [LL1] [LL1]


Written by Emma Lane

Emma is a Senior studying Strategic Communications with a minor in Business. While she loves all things photography, fashion, and indie music, creative writing has always been one of her favorite ways to express herself.

Fall is not just a season, It’s a lifestyle

September 28, 2023

Fall is a cult following. Everyone’s slight obsession with Gilmore Girls, pumpkin spice lattes and Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” are just a start. From the moment you feel the first chill in the air, everyone starts talking excitedly about the coming season. No more sweaty days and sunburns, it’s time for Sunday Night Football and apple picking!


I don’t know about you, but the start of fall gives me a sense of nostalgia and a chance for new beginnings. Ouroverstimulated brains are always needing to be entertained, so the change in the weather helps motivate us for the coming season. The shift in the season signals a fresh start for many people as they want a break from the long days and summer heat. Something as simple as leaves changing colors brings about a change in scenery and helps break up the stretch of summer that we’ve been enduring. It also gives us something new to look forward to along with the chance for students to get back into a set routine again. I believe that the beginning of this season helps reset our brains and gives us a refreshed perspective for the new semester.


Certain music and media trends really play into the whole culture surrounding the fall season too. Shows such as Friends and Gilmore Girls have been known to be classic “fall” shows. Indie music tends to rise in popularity during this time too, with it bringing about the peaceful feeling of fall.


It’s also the start of sweater season. Thrifting is becoming increasingly popular amongst Gen-Z, which fits the fallculture so perfectly. October will bring about a lot of college students shopping at local thrift stores for sweaters andoversized sweatshirts. Thrifted sweaters compliment the fall aesthetic so perfectly, and with chillier weather on the way, we will see no stop to these staple fall outfits that everyone has been missing all summer.


But it’s more than just that. Fall is wrapping yourself up in a blanket while watching a movie and sipping on some hot apple cider. It reminds me of a cozy home, eagerly awaiting the upcoming holiday season. These special and distinct moments are just a glimpse into what makes everyone so obsessed with this season.


A few students on campus were interviewed about their favorite fall activities and opinions on fall in general. When asked about what music is prominent during these months, Chandler Dingle, an English Education major, said that “Despite the many opinions I’ve heard saying otherwise, to me, Folklore breathes Autumn air. Its collection of soft,mysterious, and ruminative tunes, sends a chill down my spine that only a crisp temperature can. Tracks like ‘Exile,’ ‘Cardigan,’ and ‘The 1’ make me want to hide away under a warm blanket during a thunderstorm, or skip along the sidewalks covered with crunchy leaves. A feeling bringing the adventures of summer to a halt, and welcoming the beautiful yellows, oranges, and reds”.


If you are part of the “fall cult following” or want to experience some fun fall activities for yourself, then come out toFall Fest on Saturday, September 30th starting at 5:30pm at Hydaway Outdoor Center!


Written by Kaila Haines

Kaila is a junior studying Family and Consumer Sciences: Event Planning. She loves doing anything outdoors, music, writing, and is always down for an adventure!

What we’re listening to: July 2023

July 17, 2023

For living out the best moments of summer, here is our July playlist.

What we’re listening to : April 2023

March 31, 2023

The cherry blossoms on campus are in full bloom, we are spending our breaks between classes baking in the sun on the Montview steps, and Starbucks is struggling to keep up with the demand of pink drinks and refreshers. Welcome to spring. Check out the songs our staff are listening to as the weather is warming up.

Who is SA?

March 30, 2023

Picture this. You’re a somewhat new college student and you are just starting to get comfortable with the very unique culture that resides on Liberty’s campus. You’re starting to wonder where God is leading you next after such a huge life change. You start to ask yourself several questions; “When should I start trying to get involved on campus?”, “I’m going broke; where do I even start looking for a job?” and “Am I making the most out of my college experience?”.

I found myself here about a year and a half ago, eager to know where He wanted me to take my next steps. After a full year at Liberty, I decided to try to step out of my comfort zone and chase after a brand-new experience. There was something in me that knew that I needed to pop my own bubble and extend myself because He was calling me to much more than my comfort zone. As a natural introvert, this was extremely hard for me, but I wanted to find a job that wasn’t a place I’d just come and leave like my previous, not-so-enjoyable high school job (I know most of us can relate, unfortunately). I wanted to make an impact and really enjoy what I would be doing.

So then there I was, reaching out to clubs and departments, looking to see if I could be used there. Every time I tried, I’d be turned away. After two months of searching, I had a friend who worked for this department reach out to me, encouraging me to apply for the Event Staff position. All I knew about Student Activities was that they gave out free coffee and had people sing in microphones on the Academic Lawn. I had my doubts, knowing I’d be in a position where I’d be serving again, but little did I know, after a year and a half, that Student Activities has been much more than a job in the best way possible.

Working at Student Activities, I learned that my coworkers and I all have an opportunity to make an impact on Liberty’s culture, and at the end of the day, we help shape it. Being a Liberty student, I know all of you hold many memories at our events and maybe some of you have met your closest friends through an Open Mic, Coffeehouse, or a movie night! Knowing that we get to contribute to that is something that we think is truly awesome, and we cherish it! Serving a student body that is connected solely to one thing (Liberty) and being able to relate to that while we serve makes this job that much more enjoyable.

Like I said before, Student Activities strives to create culture and community through our events for the students, BUT within our staff, it has been so evident that we successfully do the same. We spend countless hours together, and after a semester of building Coffeehouse sets and serving coffee, we definitely get to know one another. It is not every day that you get to stay up until 4 in the morning with your co-workers, ride carnival rides on your break, go on late-night cookout runs, dance like crazy people at concerts, and stuff your face with cotton candy, I have made countless memories with all my coworkers. Being a part of the Student Activities team, I get to see all my brainstorming and hard work being enjoyed by the people I care about, and there is nothing like it!

If I haven’t made it obvious, what I cherish most about this job is the friendships and the memories we get to make together, but I also cherish how much it has shaped my character. God has used this job to steward boldness in me, which I would never have thought I’d end up having. It has helped me grow my patience, compassion, and drive.

Student Activities is much more than a job. It is a place to serve joyfully, create community for the students and your friends, make memories, grow, and make an impact.

Now, I would encourage YOU to apply to work for Student Activities. We are having a Job Fair on April 4th at the Montview Student Union, on the second floor, from 1 pm – 3 pm. You will not regret applying because working for Student Activities has been nothing but a blessing!


Written by Gabby Trotte

Gabby is a junior studying Digital Marketing and Advertising with a minor in Graphic Design. She loves photography, keeping up with the latest trends, and loves a good bagel.


What we’re listening to: July 2022

July 14, 2022

It’s getting hot outside and so is our playlist for this month. Put together by our staff and curated just for you, this playlist is great for any occasion. Roll the windows down or hangout with some friends while listening to some of our favorite artists right now.

What we’re listening to: June 2022

June 16, 2022

Here is a playlist brought to you by our event staff. You’ll find everything from mellow indie jams to mood boosting ballads. Enjoy this on your nighttime drives or when you’re hanging at the beach.

What we’re listening to: May 2022

May 19, 2022

This month’s playlist is brought to you by two of our Event Supervisors, Justin Gibble and Walker Sandler. The weather is getting warmer, so here is a playlist to kickstart those summer vibes. Throw this on when you’re driving windows down, sitting in the park, or spending time with your friends.

Spring 2022 Semester Recap

May 6, 2022

Student Activities is known for putting on events that bring students together to find their closest friends. From bingo nights to Coffeehouse to free snow cones, this semester has been filled with the spirit of community, friendship, and entertainment.

At the start of this semester, I was looking at a very full but very exciting calendar. With this being my senior year, I knew I had to make the most of every moment. I remember being hired in the Spring of 2021 and feeling so thrilled to be a part of this team, and that thrill has stayed with me. I was ready to learn all I could and connect with students and my coworkers. Being a newbie simultaneously feels like a lifetime ago and like it happened last week. Now, wrapping up my final shifts has me reminiscing on this past semester with Student Activities.

Kicking off the semester with Rock the Rot, Open Mic, and a Student Concert, we welcomed students back with a week of music. The rest of the month featured nostalgic nights including Family Feud, 80s and 80s Bingo, and Prime Time Trivia. Everyone who showed up really showed off with their outfits, knowledge, and talent.

Moving into February, we learned that many students really paid attention in their elementary spelling lessons through our first ever Spelling Bee, and celebrated Valentine’s Day with a Rom Com Movie Marathon. Our staple events stayed throughout the month and before we knew it, we were ready to go to space at Coffeehouse: The Great Beyond.

We launched (literally) into that night with incredible performances, hilarious videos, and out of this world costumes. For everyone in attendance, it was truly a night to remember. Coffeehouse has always been my favorite event, so having my last one be that level of production and hype was very special to me.

But the semester wasn’t over yet. Spider-Man swung into our last Drive-In Movie of the spring. After that came more bingo and open mics, along with a concert with college kids’ favorite indie Christian artist, Chris Renzema. The semester concluded with a sunny shopping day on the Academic Lawn at the Community Yard Sale.

Through all of these events, there were a few constants: students, staff, and super good times. To everyone who attended any of these events, I offer you my most sincere thank you. These events really would be pointless without students attending them, so we are always glad you all enjoy them. To my coworkers, you guys are the best people I have ever known, and I would not have made it through college without you. Please don’t ever become strangers whose laughs I could recognize anywhere. Throwing the biggest hearts your way for the rest of my life.

There were points that felt like we’d never reach the end of a day let alone the semester, but for the most part it was pretty much a speed run. I’m not a big fan of running, but this job is something I would sprint toward like my life depended on it. This semester, along with the two before it, has been nothing short of remarkable. Student Activities has given me friends and memories for life.

But like everything in life, this experience must come to an end. It is with a bittersweet nostalgia that I will look back on this job. The time I had here was filled with laughs and hard work, and I will treasure it forever. Long live all the magic we made. Thank you all for a great semester.


Written by: Anna Pender

Anna is a Senior Strategic Communications major. She is thankful to have the opportunity to write for the blog because it gives her a chance to explore and write about topics and events that she is passionate about and that are relevant to the world. She loves getting to be creative and share her personality through writing.

Artist Expo: Gable Price and Friends

April 28, 2022

I’ll be honest with ya’ll, I didn’t know who these guys from Redding, CA were all that long ago. But now, Gable Price and Friends are a group of fist-pumping “bad boys” I’ll never forget. Formed in 2018, frontman Gable Price and his aforementioned friends, Adam Elizararraz (guitar), Daniel Vargas (drums) released their first EP “The Redding Ep”. The following year the band enlisted the talents of David Funk on bass (which with a name like that there was no other career path for the man), as well as guitarist Cameron Pablo to begin work on their freshman album. Going into their 4th year as a band, Price and the gang have released their first full length album, “Fractioned Heart” in 2020, a “reimagined” EP of previously released songs, a couple additional singles, and their newest EP, “If I’m Being Honest…” which dropped just last year.

So what makes these guys special? The band makes no efforts to hide their faith within their songs yet aren’t your typical sounding worship group. They’ve blended a unique rock sound that makes you want to jump around and dance with your friends, and personal, heart-jabbing lyrics that cause you to do a little soul-searching. Take “I Need You” off their latest EP for example. If you aren’t listening too closely, you could simply nod your head along with the up-beat chorus and guitar riffs. But tune those ears just a little more and you’ll hear the cry of a desperate man singing about his drifting from God and ongoing lack of honesty about it. And the coolest part is, you can have both of those things together. You can put the windows down and jam out with your friends and get vulnerable about real things. That’s not something you find combined in your everyday rock band. And people are taking notice. The group now amasses over 100,000 monthly listeners on Spotify (the obviously superior music streaming service) and is playing shows throughout the US in the Spring and Summer of 2022.

If you weren’t there, we got to experience Gable Price and Friends firsthand on April 23rd at the first ever Student Activities After Party. It was amazing to see them rock out on stage and balance their vulnerability with a fantastic stage presence. If you were not able to catch Gable price and Friends on stage at After Party, go check them out wherever you find your music, I promise you wont regret it. It would be good to brush up on their music since you may see them again sometime in the future.


Written by Jordan Hassler

Jordan is a Sophomore studying Event Planning with a Biblical Studies minor. He enjoys expressing his creativity through words, and sharing his experiences and personality by way of writing. He’s passionate about music, nature, and forming genuine connections with others.