SA Previews: Community Yard Sale

April 16, 2021

Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, the sun is out, the old is gone, and the new has come. Just like nature, we clean out the old to make way for the new. That’s right, it’s time for some Spring cleaning. Whether you dread the chore of decluttering or are excited for get a fresh start, you may as well get the most from all the time you put in cleaning out your home and make a little extra spending cash from the process. You know what they say – one person’s well-loved and appreciated clothing and household items are another person’s treasure (okay, that’s not exactly what they say but “trash” just sounds weird).

Where will you sell all your previously loved goods? You’re in luck! On April 24, we are hosting our annual Community Yard Sale. This is the place to be if you want to resell some of your old clothes or if you want to go secondhand shopping. This semester on the blog, we have already discussed the importance of shopping second hand. So, if you’ve been inspired to shop ethically and desire to find some one-of-a-kind pieces, you do not want to miss this event.

SA will provide everything you need to have a pleasant shopping experience and be giving out free iced coffee and donuts. We will also have a new Community Yard Sale exclusive tote bag and SA branded sunscreen – both for free, so you will have something to carry your new purchases. All you need to bring is yourself and some cash.

If you would like to be a vendor, visit the Student Activities website for how you can purchase a table space to set up your shop. This event is open to the public, so whether you are a Liberty student, alumni, or long-time Lynchburg local, we would love to see you at our Community Yard Sale!


Written by: Sarah Day

Sarah is a junior majoring in Youth Ministry. Sarah enjoys writing for the blog because she loves exploring the ways that the simplest things in our lives impact us in the most meaningful ways. She is passionate about connecting with people, talking about what truly matters and baking.

SA Previews: Drive-In Movie: Jurassic Park

April 8, 2021

Spring has sprung on campus! In typical Virginia fashion, there still might be a few chilly days here and there. For the most part, some of these days are the most beautiful that I can remember. A warm Lynchburg day unlocks a surplus of new things to do in the area. Student Activities, for instance, hosts outdoor promos and open mics on the Montview steps, we have outdoor movie nights, and even the community yard sale is around the corner. But this weather also brings about one of my personal favorite events that SA puts on, Drive-In Movie!

Last semester in the fall was our first ever drive-in movie and it is perhaps one of the best events to put on during the pandemic. This semester, we will be back and better than ever when we show Jurassic Park on Saturday, April 17, at 8:30 p.m. in the East Campus Satellite Lot. We have 250 spots for the show, so now is the time to befriend someone with a truck bed, so you and your friends can come watch a classic movie in style. The first 150 cars will get free Domino’s and Mama Crockett’s Donuts, so be sure to arrive early and secure your food and parking spot. This is sure to be a memorable night for all who attend. Don’t miss it!


Written by: Josiah Frisbie

Josiah enjoys writing for the blog because he believes in the power of discussing relevant topics. He wants to be challenged in his writing and research style while still growing and striving for knowledge.

SA Reviews: Q Union

March 29, 2021

On Friday, March 19, Student Activities was able to host Q Union for the fourth time. Q Union is an event unlike many others, as it happens on both a national and school-wide level. On the 19th, groups of young adults from around the country gathered to hear national speakers and leaders Gabrielle Odom, Annie F Downs, and Curt Thompson. Here at Liberty, we also heard from student speakers Zane Richer, Taylor Murray, and Joe Carson. This year, Q Union allowed presenters to speak on a wide array of relevant topics with the hope of having conversations about difficult aspects of today’s culture. Q was created by author and Liberty alumni Gabe Lyons, who hosted the national broadcast.

All the speakers, national and local, chose unique topics to speak on. Locally, we were able to hear from Zane Richer who argued that there is not only danger in relative truth, but also neutral truth, since no truth is really neutral. He pointed out that truth cannot be neutral because it is a person: Jesus. Instead of looking for neutral truth, we ought to filter information by seeing if it aligns with the grain of reality that God has created.

Our second student speaker, Joe Carson, shared about engaging in Christian community in a time where physical gathering is restricted. He derived his vision from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who operated an underground seminary during Nazi-run Germany when the church was state-controlled. His two main points were that believers can remain connected through vicarious representative action such as prayer for one another and finding unity in the reality of Christ.

Finally, we heard from Taylor Murray about the authenticity gap. She spoke in light of a time in her own life where she was portraying one image to the world but was feeling another way, and shared what she had learned from her experience. She pointed out how we often gravitate away from authenticity in search of it, but that we can find where we have gone wrong by evaluating our perceptions of ourselves, God, and how we think God views us.

As a part of the national broadcast, Curt Thompson had a sit-down conversation with Gabe Lyons about anxiety, and Gabrielle Odom delivered a speech on the importance of the Bible. The session that struck me the most was Annie F. Downs’ talk on how to use social media well. Social media is so new, and believers often struggle with how to use it in a way that is glorifying to God. So often, believers end up either using social media in the same way as everyone else or abandoning it altogether. Downs challenged both these notions by proposing there is a way to use social media in a meaningful way through sharing with the world what we are learning. While it is not wise to share too much about one’s private life, the speaker argued, “for social media to flourish it HAS to be personal”. Vulnerability makes social media meaningful.

All in all, Q Union was a night full of learning and good conversations. We cannot wait to see what next year’s speakers have in store!


Written by: Courtney Stone

Courtney is a Business Administration: Digital Marketing and Advertising major. She enjoys writing for the blog as a way to explore relevant topics and grow in written communication.

SA Previews: Coffeehouse: The Late Show

March 19, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, sit back and enjoy the show – Coffeehouse: The Late Show is coming! It is that time of year again and we are all so excited to meet in the Vines Center for the iconic event next Saturday, March 27. Coffeehouse is one of Student Activities’ longest running events and also one of the most popular events we put on each semester.

With the brand new roof completed on the Vines Center, we are able to move back to an in person performance this semester! To stay within current state and university guidelines, 250 in-person attendees will be permitted in the venue for the show. Because of this capacity limitation, for the first time ever, we are hosting a double feature. The first showing will be at 7 p.m. and the second is at 11 p.m. The double-header gives the early birds a chance to get to bed at a good time, while the night owls can get their fill of late night entertainment.

Speaking of late night entertainment – that actually happens to be the theme at Coffeehouse: The Late Show. You can expect some hilarious sketches, incredible musical performances, and we will even have our very own house band there to set the mood throughout the night. As our team puts on this event with the fun and playful theme of a talk show, we want to give you and the whole student body a fun and playful experience. The night to be filled with memories made and smiles all around as you watch the full experience of Coffeehouse: The Late Show with your friends.

Sadly, in-person tickets are sold out for both shows, but you still have the chance to catch a piece of the action. Student Activities wants every student to still feel involved whether they were able to get an in-person ticket or not. Because of that, we are offering a virtual ticket option to anyone who is unable to attend the show in-person. Head on over to our website to make the purchase for either show time. If you purchase a virtual ticket, you can livestream the show with up to five of your friends! Our advice is to split the cost of the $10 ticket amongst the six of you so that you can watch for cheap.

As Coffeehouse: The Late Show approaches, our hearts rush with excitement to put this event on for each of you. We hope to see you there and if you cannot come, we hope you get to enjoy this event from your dorm room, library booth, or maybe even from the chairs of Demoss with your friends. So make sure to mark your calendars, because Coffeehouse will be here soon, and you won’t want to miss a second of it!


Written by Riley Anderson

Riley is a junior majoring in Christian Leadership and Church Ministry with a minor in Biblical Studies.

SA Previews: Q Union

March 12, 2021

We are so excited to be hosting another Q Union here at Liberty on March 19th at 7pm in the LaHaye Event Space, featuring guest speakers and amazing snacks. Q Union is a national event focused on addressing difficult topics and conversations, and sharing the light of the gospel in our culture through communication and discussion. The event features three broadcasted speakers, and three, in-person, student speakers. This year the broadcasted speakers include an array of authors and leaders including Annie F. Downs, Curt Thompson, and Gabrielle Odom. After the three livestreamed speakers, we’ll get to hear from some of our own Liberty student leaders. This year’s student speakers are Zane Richer, Joe Carson, and Taylor Murray.

I was able to speak with Taylor a little more about what she’s planning on sharing with us. Taylor Murray is a Senior here on campus, studying Christian Leadership and Church Ministries. After graduation, she plans to continue her education and stay at Liberty as a Senior Resident Shepherd under Jordan Justice. Taylor’s Q Union talk focuses on Spiritual Disciplines, Loneliness, and Our Generation. She shared some amazing thoughts with me about the mindset of our culture:

“With the emphasis on social media in our generation, many of us feel trapped in ‘picture-perfect prisons.’ We portray someone we want to be or that we think others will consider likable, but we feel deeply alone inside. For many of us the only experiences we’ve had with intimacy is when we pretend to be someone else. We don’t think that others would accept us if they saw the ‘real’ us, and this belief has often been translated onto God. We’re often overwhelmed with doubts and fears, and we can struggle to believe that He is trustworthy. Our hyper connected but lonely generation is proof that without trust, there is no opportunity for intimacy.

“At Q Union, I’ll share how God has been misunderstood, fueling our mistrust and resulting in a lack of true connection. I’ll share my personal story of stepping out of hiding and into a deeper kind of authenticity.”

Q Union is an amazing opportunity to come alongside other young believers and equip ourselves to have better dialogue surrounding difficult conversations. See you all on March 19th!


Written by: Lisa Diaczynsky

Lisa is a Junior studying Business Administration and Graphic Design. She enjoys writing for the blog to express her creativity as well as sharing her views and opinions. She is passionate about healthy relationships, graphic design, social/political reform and mental health.

SA Previews: Murder Mystery Dinner

March 5, 2021

It was a dark and stormy night in Lynchburg, Virginia – cue lightning and dramatic roll of thunder – many Liberty students gathered in the LaHaye Event Space for a Masquerade dinner party, when suddenly a murder occurred! Now, it’s up to you and your friends to solve the mystery.

We cannot wait for you to join us on March 12 for a classic Who-Dunnit Murder Mystery Dinner party. Four professionally trained actors from The Murder Mystery Company will be joined by a few lucky audience members to make up the suspect pool. The remainder of guests will work together to gather and solve clues while interrogating suspects in an attempt to find out who murdered the unfortunate victim. (Hint: It’s always the butler… or is it?)

Guests are encouraged to come dressed for a classy masquerade dinner party. Speaking of dinner, a buffet dinner will be served. Food, entertainment, and fun all in one night! For those of you who have bought tickets, we want to encourage you to come prepared to fully immerse yourself in the mystery and commit to your role as either suspect or sleuth. The Murder Mystery Company will bring along some costume pieces and props to aid you in your own character development.

At the end of the night, each guest will get to cast their vote on who they think committed the crime. Awards will also be given out for Best Actor, Detective of the Night, and more!

In the words of Dwight Schrute, “It’s never the person you most suspect. It’s also never the person you least suspect.” So, come prepared to accuse the person that you most medium suspect!


Chun, Daniel. “The Office: Murder.” The Office, season 6, episode 10, NBC, 12 Nov. 2009.


Written by: Sarah Day

Sarah is a junior majoring in Youth Ministry. Sarah enjoys writing for the blog because she loves exploring the ways that the simplest things in our lives impact us in the most meaningful ways. She is passionate about connecting with people, talking about what truly matters and baking.

SA Previews: Every Square Inch Conference

February 26, 2021

The mission of Liberty University is to train up champions for Christ who go out into culture to missionally influence it for the advancement of the Kingdom. That mantra sounds great on pamphlets and bumper stickers, but how does one practically engage with culture and leverage their livelihood for Christ when they are not in a role where ministry work is expected? How does an engineer examine Exodus with their coworkers? What does it look like to point to Christ while co-piloting a plane? How do we use “every square inch” of this life that God has given us to glorify Him and make Him known?

Thankfully, the 5th Annual Every Square Inch Conference aims at helping Christians young and young at heart cultivate Christianity in culture. Named in reference to a famous Abraham Kuyper quote, the conference will take place over March 5-6 and will involve a panel discussion, a concert, and a main lecture.

The 5th is the most packed day with a panel discussion, on vocation and cultivation, taking place on the 4th floor of DeMoss in room 4412. The panel will feature Liberty Vice President of Recreation and Logistics Chris Misiano, Executive Director of the Center for Public Christianity Dr. Joshua Chatraw, and songwriter Chris Renzema. Renzema will have the busiest day of the three speakers, as he will follow the afternoon panel discussion with a limited-capacity, in-person concert at the LaHaye Event Space. Dr. Chatraw, who is making his return to Liberty having once served as the Executive Director of the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, will host a lecture in the LaHaye Event Space at 7 PM on the 6th. The title of the lecture is “Telling a Better Story,” and will be followed by a Q&A.

All events are limited capacity to abide by COVID-19 guidelines, so get there early with a notepad, pen, and friend. Both the panel discussion and main lecture are free, but the concert does require a ticket purchase. Currently, the concert is sold out but if more tickets become available, Student Activities will inform the public on social media.

In years past, speakers such as Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury and Trevin Wax have left conference-goers intellectually curious and motivated for Gospel cultivation in culture. Those who make it out to the conference are sure to leave with “every square inch” of them perplexed.


Written by: Landen Swain

Landen believes the human experience longs to be expressed; through our art, our labor, our songs, our storytelling. As a published playwright, author, and poet, he enjoys expressing his little chapter of the human experience through his writings and is thankful that the SA blog allows him to do that. He is published in numerous magazines, literary journals, and has several plays published by Off the Wall Plays, an online play publishing house.

SA Previews: SA Film Fest

February 12, 2021

AMC theatres has been the talk of the town due to the stock market, but many of us haven’t even been into an AMC theatre in almost an entire year now. The smell of popcorn butter, the taste of the soda, and the pain in your wallet from buying all those over-priced concessions are all experiences we long for. But while theatres are mostly still not open, you can experience the magic of cinema at Student Activities’ Film Fest, taking place on February 26th in the LaHaye Event Space at 7 PM.

Ten original films will be screened and critiqued by a panel of judges who will award a plethora of awards to the films that they believe capture the best of our award categories. This year, even the audience can get in on the action by voting in the audience choice award. Now it’s not just Paula, Simon, and Randy voting, but you can have a say as well (hopefully that reference brought back some memories for you).

Following the movie screening, there will be a Q&A time with the film directors, allowing audience members the chance to ask about inspiration, behind the scenes, and any other questions they can conjure. Throughout all of the films, Student Activities will be serving out our campus-famous complimentary hors d’oeuvres for your convenience.

Our capacity for the event is 250 guests, so while camping outside of the venue like people do for Marvel’s Avengers movies may not be necessary, you may want to get there sooner rather than later. The whole event is expected to last around 2 hours; 10 films in 2 hours is a blockbuster of a deal.

Could one of these film director’s be making the movies we see on the big screen some day? I wouldn’t want to risk missing out on liking it before it was popular if I were you. Please silence your cellphones and enjoy the films.


Written by: Landen Swain

Landen believes the human experience longs to be expressed; through our art, our labor, our songs, our storytelling. As a published playwright, author, and poet, he enjoys expressing his little chapter of the human experience through his writings and is thankful that the SA blog allows him to do that. He is published in numerous magazines, literary journals, and has several plays published by Off the Wall Plays, an online play publishing house.

SA Previews: Valentine’s Movie Night

February 5, 2021

February is a time for love. As Valentine’s Day approaches quickly, couples are wondering how to celebrate, singles are googling how to be happy on their own, and some people just want something fun to do with friends. Whatever your situation, we have something for you!

It may be 2021, but the trends of the nineties are stronger than ever. Scrunchies, tiny purses, and baggy clothes are all iconic staples of the time. What’s even more iconic? A cult-classic rom-com. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there is no better way to celebrate than by joining us for a showing of Clueless. Follow Cher on her totally buggin’ yellow plaid journey to love starting at 7pm.

If the thought of watching a teenager fall in love makes you think, “Ugh! As if!” no worries. At 9pm, you can revel in the heartbreak of Laurie and Jo during 2019’s Little Women. Trading the 1990s for the 1860s, you will get to experience all the highs and lows of The March Family. The movie follows four sisters and their relationships with the world around them, their love interests, and most importantly each other.

It is a night that will be filled with nostalgia, sweet stories, and – for those of us who are masochists – heartbreak. We would love to see you at our Valentine’s Movie Night on Friday, February 12 at 7 p.m. in the LaHaye Event Space.


Written by: Anna Pender

Anna is a Senior Strategic Communications major. She is thankful to have the opportunity to write for the blog because it gives her a chance to explore and write about topics and events that she is passionate about and that are relevant to the world. She loves getting to be creative and share her personality through writing.

SA Previews: SA Workshops

January 28, 2021

With the start of the spring semester comes the excitement for the SA workshop series. We are bringing you guys five brand new workshops! You’ll be able to access two of these virtually through our IGTV. If you don’t follow us on Instagram yet and want to see these, you can follow us @libertysa. We will also be hosting three in-person workshops as well. Below is a little sneak peak of what to expect at these workshops, and what you can learn by participating in them.

Crepe Making

If you’re like me, crepes are one of those things I have always wanted to learn how to make, but are too intimidating for me to try. No need to fear anymore, since with this workshop, Chelsea, owner of Batter Bar, will show you how to make some amazing crepes and help put all those worries to rest. You can check this out on IGTV on February 11th at 9 p.m. to watch while putting your culinary skills to the test!

Candle Pouring

Candle Pouring will be our first in-person workshop on February 25th at 7 p.m. We’re partnering with Hill and River Collection candles to bring you this fun and aromatic time. Participants will get to take home two soy wax candles that you will make yourself! Registration opens on February 5th and costs $10.

Floral Arranging

This workshop will teach you the basics to floral design, and you’ll get to design your own bouquet to take home. This will all be taught by the owner of the Hip Tulip and take place at 7 p.m. on March 11. You can register on February 19th for $10!

Wood Carving

Our second virtual workshop will be with local wood carving enthusiast, Justin Smith, who will teach you how to make something you could use every day – a spoon! By watching this, you will learn the process of carving a wooden spoon from start to finish and how to do so safely. Tune in on April 15th at 9 p.m. to participate!

Fly Tying

To wrap up the workshop series, we will be partnering with Taletellers Fly Shop to teach how to make two different fly ties which you will get to take home after the event. Our friends over at the Hydaway Outdoor Center will also be there to talk about the fishability of Hydaway Lake. You can register for this on April 2nd!

We hope that you join us for a least one of these workshops this semester to pick up a new skill. For more information about each workshop, check out our website or email us with any questions.


Written by: Andrew Reynolds 

Andrew Reynolds is a Senior Project Management Major, and enjoys writing for the blog because of the opportunity it gives him to grow as a writer and to challenge himself to see current topics and discussions from a view point he may not have otherwise thought about.