When I Grow Up…

February 16, 2023

Last summer I had the opportunity to work at a daycare, and one day I asked an elementary age boy the same question adults asked me a million times when I was a kid: what do you want to be when you grow up? I remember wanting to be an artist and author when I was five years old; my sister wanted to be a firefighter. I’m sure we all remember having our own aspirations as kids: doctor, teacher, singer, actor, real estate agent, major league baseball player, etc. But this little boy answered with a career that I don’t even remember existing when I was a kid: a YouTuber. Isn’t that answer so telling of our times? To the confusion and possibly even disgust of the older generations, Gen Z views becoming a social media influencer or vlogger as valid career choice. In fact, according to LinkedIn, “For… Gen Z tweens… the top choice for career path was ‘You Tuber’… For older members of Gen Z… 54% would become an influencer if the opportunity was presented to them.”

I think the older generations are going to raise questions like “can you actually support yourself financially?” or “will your job security last only as long as you’re famous?” But for Christians, I think a different question might take precedence: is it Christ-like to make your living through something that requires you to seek out popularity? After all, doesn’t Mark 9:35 say that “anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all”?  We all probably know of somebody social media famous who claimed to be a Christian but let pride get to their head and was less than a Christ-like example. Does that mean that Christians should avoid these careers altogether?

In John 17:16-18, Jesus prays, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” I want to highlight two big things from this verse: the need for cultural engagement and the need for an understanding of truth. We may not be able to reverse the trend that our generation is spending more and more time scrolling on their phones, filling their minds with all the entertainment, beauty, and clutter social media has to offer. But we do have the opportunity to engage in the culture our generation is a part of by influencing what they view on their screens. Unbelievers can have access to the gospel literally at their fingertips… but only if there are young people producing culturally relevant content that fills their feeds with the hope of Christ. Still, so many twisted “Christian” messages are flowing out into the world. That is why it is so important that we become saturated in truth through time spent studying the Bible, so we can be accurate messengers of the Gospel. While we may be sharing our favorite product or favorite hobby in our vlogs and TikToks, our ultimate goal should be to reflect the light of Christ, humbly accepting our position of popularity as an opportunity to be a messenger.

Whether we have an Instagram following of fifty, there’s a blue check mark next to our handle, or we avoid social media for whatever reason, we are all influencers in our world. How are we going to use the platform that God has given us?

Culture is certainly changing, and the older generations may budge against the Gen Z’s perception of careers. When it really comes down to it, the main concern should not be whether the old is better than the new or vice versa but whether we are willing to use whatever career we enter into to share the age-old truth of the Gospel.

If you’re wanting to rewind time and reminisce about what it was like to be a kid fantasizing about what you wanted to be when you grow up, come out to Career Day Bingo this Saturday, February 18, at 9:00 p.m. in the LaHaye Event Space, where you can show off your amazing fit for your dream career!

[1] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/influencers-why-so-many-gen-zers-want-pursue-careers-neal-sivadas-


Written by Moriah Joseph


Joshua Bassett Found Love?

February 8, 2023

We can all remember when the single “Driver’s License” or the entire Sour album by Olivia Rodrigo came out. Our generation rocked out to the new songs of heartbreak. We were also taken on the dramatic journey between her and ex, Joshua Bassett. We’ve recently heard his side of this heartbreak story in his new music release “Different”. Now, Joshua Bassett has taken a turn and is speaking out about finding love… Jesus’ love.

This year Joshua Basset has posted about his personal experience of finding faith in Jesus. He posted on Twitter, “Jesus Christ is the only way…” shocking fans inside and outside of the Christian world. After the initial post, he shared more details of his encounters. When looking into this topic, media headlines state things like “fans concerned about Joshua Bassett” or “fans wondering if Joshua Bassett is ok.” On the flip side, Christians are excited that another Hollywood star has found Christ, and many leave encouraging messages for him.

I think it is important to address both sides. Culture views choosing to follow Jesus as a concerning thing – we’ve witnessed this in recent comments. I think it can be easy for Christians to become frustrated with these responses around us. But then I remember when John says, “do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.” (1 John 3:13). Scripture prepares us for these situations knowing that we, and Christianity, will not be accepted by the world. More than that, there will be pushback.

On the other side, many of us have concerns about celebrities coming to know and follow Christ, yet their way of life never looks different. It’s not that we are looking for faults or expecting transformation overnight, but as scripture reiterates to us, there should be fruits of our faith. As we spend more and more time with God, we will look more and more like Him. James 4:4 says, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” This part explains that it’s not possible to be a part of the world while living for Christ. Unfortunately, it is common for our favorite stars to fall back into what the world gives and, in the end, choose that path instead.

Another reminder for myself, and I believe many of us, is that we don’t know their hearts, only God does. We aren’t the judges, God is (James 4:12). As we are each on our own walk with Christ, comparison can creep in and cause us to compare our walk to those following Christ “better than us” or those “failing worse than us.” This reminds me of the story of Jesus and the woman caught in sin. “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7) None of us are truly pure, yet God still loves us just as much. As a brother or sister in Christ, it is our job to love them as Christ first loved us and spur them on towards Him.

We follow the lives of many celebrities all the time, find pleasure in their personal drama or indulge in their work, whether it be music, film, etc. I think it is too common for Christians not to look beyond the surface and see them as real people in need of a savior. Even though we don’t have a direct relationship with them, we can be obedient in the areas God calls us by praying for them allowing Him to change their heart.

The Every Square Inch Conference is a great way to learn about how theology and culture meet. It is important to understand theological foundations and how to approach the world we live in through the lens of scripture. Come hear Trevin Wax speak on the merging of Culture and faith at 9:45 AM, 2:15 PM, and 5:30 PM on Thursday, February 9th. When evangelizing to a friend or a stranger, it is vital to understand the faith we claim to have. It is also essential to know your audience and how their culture influences how they view life and faith. Check out the schedule here!

If Joshua Bassett’s recent experiences are to teach us anything, I think we should remember to pray for the celebrities we follow, our friends, classmates, neighbors, coworkers, and anyone else we encounter in daily life. Let’s also pray that Joshua’s influence can lead more people to Christ. I’ll end my post as He ended his: “I’m better than I have ever been, the peace I feel is far beyond what I thought possible.”


Written by Makena Joseph

Makena is a senior studying Graphic Design with a minor in Business. She plans to run her own design company specializing in brand design and move to Hawaii post-graduation. In her free time she loves binging tv shows, cooking, and spending quality time with friends.

Spring Preview

January 6, 2023

2023 is here, and spring is coming. There is much to look forward to in the spring, like warmer weather, blooming flowers, baby animals, and longer days! No more sunsets at 5:00, please. As Liberty kicks off the spring semester, Student Activities is here to help with your entertainment needs.

We are kicking off the semester with a classic Open Mic on January 17th; there are 6 Open Mics, so find the one that works for you and come on out. However, we recommend coming to all of them. Also, in January, we are bringing back a favorite from the Fall, Neon Mini Golf, which will be on January 27th.

February holds the first concert of the semester. Jordy Searcy will be coming to the LaHaye Event Space on February 10th.  I recommend looking Jordy Searcy up on Spotify if you have never heard his music; the vibes are immaculate. We have another concert on January 25 with Beach Chapel. Beach Chapel is an up-and-coming band from the west coast that uses catchy pop melodies as a vessel for Christian music. You can find more information about these shows on our website at Liberty.edu/sa.

March is all about Coffeehouse! We are all excited for Coffeehouse exes & XOs on March 25th. In the most fitting fashion, tryouts for Coffeehouse will be held on February 13th, 14th, 17th, and 18th. Buy your tickets here! If you need a way to break the ice with that special someone in preparation for Coffeehouse, we will have Late Skate at the LaHaye Ice Center on March 3rd.

If you go through the semester and decide that you want to work for Student Activities, come check out our Job Fair on April 4th. We will also showcase a new event on April 21st; Student Activities will host a Video Game Night. Keep your eyes on our social media for more details. April ends with a bang with After Party on April 29th.

Our last event of the Spring is the fan-favorite Yard sale, come out and sell all that stuff you know you don’t need. It’s nice to leave for the summer with some extra money in your pockets. If you want more information on this event or others, follow Student Activities on Instagram (@libertysa) and check out our website.


Written by Jordan Kreitzinger

Jordan is the Assistant Director of Student Activities and leader of the Blog Team.

Reliving Christmas Coffeehouse

December 13, 2022

“I just put the finishing touch on the theme reveal,” I said, walking over to Leah Ginion’s desk.


“Oh yeah?”


“Yep, and I saw that you moved my La La Land clip by half a second, so I moved it back.” This, admittedly, being an accusation, I had no evidence for.


“I had only made two tiny audio edits on that last draft and they were nowhere near that clip.”


“Well,” I said defensively, “I fixed it. It’s exported and loaded into the show.”


That was the moment we were ready for Coffeehouse. The queue was set and ready to launch on Saturday night.





It’s 11:25 p.m. on Saturday, December 3rd and the audience on camera is dancing to Justin Bieber’s “Mistletoe”, then we finally hear the last song start up. Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande… the last song before the show starts… Lights fade to black, and I am once again reminded: The show doesn’t go on because we’re ready. It goes on because it’s 11:30.


The intro plays, and Off the Record’s guitarist starts playing Silver Bells, the song the show was named after. They have 4 singers, and even though each could front their own band, together they are incredible. They transition into Jingle Bell Rock, a personal favorite, and with that, the show has started. Time for our hosts.


Hosting Coffeehouse may seem natural or easy, but it takes hours of practice to get ready for that night. And these two have practiced. I’ve watched them rehearse this script over and over to get ready for the stage. Jordan introduces the show, then brings up Hannah. She pushes through her first lines, but it’s clear, both of them know the room is not in sync yet. That is until we compare the Annex to a homeless shelter. Hannah follows it up by comparing Commons to the stuck-up rich in Manhattan, and we are off (note: Hannah lives on Commons and did not write that joke, she is very sweet and only made that joke because we made her). We throw in a few more campus roasts, Jordan and Hannah come off stage, and we’re into our second act.


The Snoloreans are up and are followed by our first student-made video. But our team is waiting nervously for our 3rd act, Quentins Quismas Quartet, the Student Activities staff fought hard to keep them in the show. Their schticky self-aware rendition of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was a favorite from the night.


Jordan throws us into another edition of Holiday Hot Takes, where the crowd cheers to settle some hotly contested debates like who’s Liberty’s grandpa? Dr. Wheeler or Jerry Prevo. Dr. Wheeler is at the show, so when we cut to him in his seat the crowd goes wild.


KMO performs his new original song “Same 5 Hoodies”, right before we get We Three Strings. Their incredible talent playing the John Williams score from Home Alone was unique and incredibly well done. Following them was Tiz the Szn who wowed the crowd with her rendition of “All I want for Christmas is you”, before our first dance act of the night. Divine Call danced to “O Come All Ye Faithful” which provided one of the lovelier moments of the show, but now it was time for the show-stopper.


In Fall of 2021, we were putting together our first Christmas Coffeehouse having just come out of Covid. Nothing prepared us for an unknown Freshman who tried out with “Oh Holy Night”. It was stunning, iconic, and breathtaking. 1 year later Aunalyse built on that performance by singing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. The now-seasoned performer took complete ownership of the room as she landed note after note, bringing the audience to its feet. If my life ever depends on the vocal performance of someone, I put my faith in Aunalyse.


Lucas James and his band Lasso around the Moon, covered “Christmas Morning”, which again, brought the audience to its feet. The energy then began to build as Lost in Demoss played “Rocking around the Christmas Tree”, the acapella group North Star sang a beautiful rendition of “Marry did you Know” and “Auld Lang Syne”, and Santa’s Little Helpers, along with the iconic dancing tree ornament played “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”… But now it’s time for the Spring theme.


The Student Activities team argued over this video for hours. Heated takes like “is there too much Ryan Gosling”, “did we put enough content in for the boys”, “Jim and Pam or Ross and Rachel”, or my personal favorite “don’t you dare put in the sock scene from Napoleon Dynamite” carried through the halls of our office. After 14 drafts, lost sleep, and a bevy of arguments about Titanic… it was done.


There wasn’t a single member from Student Activities not watching the stage as our hosts went up to announce the theme. The video started and we waited. First Queen sings “Somebody to love”. “Is the theme 80’s” I heard a Rhino worker say. Then Guardians of the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice, and the Princess Bride. The room knew what it was. The theme was love. “At Last” by Etta James faded out and “Kiss Me through the Phone” started. This is where it got wild. The aforementioned Napoleon Dynamite and La La Land were met with great applause. Gilmore girls, High School Musical, Avatar, and the beloved Nacho Libre all danced across the screen before the iconic “Good For You” began to play over clips of heartbreak and sadness. After clips from The Office, the Notebook, and 10 Things I hate about you played the theme became clear. This is about Love, but heartbreak too. The final scene played with Cap and Peggy dancing alone while the title card came up to show that the theme was “Coffeehouse: Exes & XO’s”.


The night came to a close with performances by D-Trex and Southside of the Stars. We also got the next installment of “Lustbusters”, and our in-house rock band Carlisle closed the show. I’m not sure how anyone was able to sleep that night. Those three acts were so high energy and incredible, I am afraid of what Cookout looked like after the show. I’m really not sure how we are going to top it next Spring.


But we will… well the students will. There are a few full-time staff members at Student Activities that help guide the show to what it is, but the personality, charm, and life that Coffeehouse has come from the student body. It comes from the dozens of tryouts and videos. The reason why you never forget your first Coffeehouse is because of the long hours students put into their performances. It was an honor to work alongside all of the performers that night, and it’s an even greater honor to host that event for the student body.


We hope to see you all in the Spring singing along to the most famous love/heartbreak songs of all time. I selfishly want someone to try out with “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. Coffeehouse: Exes & XO’s is on sale now, and tryouts will open in January. We look forward to seeing you all there!


Written by Cort Comfort, Director of Student Activities.


August 24, 2022

Few things have transcended culture to the degree that Coca-Cola has. Whether it is Santa, a polar bear, or trying to find your name on a bottle, every generation has a way Coke has impacted it. Coke was first introduced in Atlanta, Georgia in 1886. For over 130 years Coke has been innovating to align with customers and culture. Recently Coke released limited edition Coke Starlight to coincide with the recent public interest in space led by SpaceX.

Most recently though Coke has released Coke Dreamworld. Coke describes it having “vibrant flavor notes that evoke the boundless creativity of the human imagination to the unmistakable taste of Coca-Cola.” Coke has a plan to use Dreamworld to Align with culture yet again, this time Gen Z’s culture. Coke wants to test the limits of the human imagination in a culture that has such a strong desire to create their own mark on the world. People who buy packages of Coke Dreamland will be able to scan a code with their phone to experience an Augmented Reality music experience. Coke is literally the drink of the future, and we can be a part of that future.

We are excited to have Coke as our Title Sponsor for Block Party! Go visit them at Block Party to learn more about the magic of Coke and cool down with a refreshing drink. Also go grab some Coke Dreamland the next time you go shopping to experience the future of Coke.

Source: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/news/coca-cola-invites-fans-to-experience-dreamworld

Block Party Premiere Sponsors

August 23, 2022

Each Fall semester, after a grueling week of reading the syllabi for every class, students get to relax and celebrate another semester at Block Party. Block Party is a Liberty tradition that not only welcomes in a new freshman class but celebrates the return of all Liberty University students. We all love the fried food, loud music, and joy of seeing our friend being thrown off a mechanical bull but there are a lot of people who help Block Party come together. The businesses who come along side Student Activities as premiere sponsors help make Block Party the event you know and love. This year we want to thank Dominos, Mosaic Collective, Amazon Prime Student, and Your Event Source. We are thrilled that these businesses have come along side of Student Activities.

As college students, we all know and love Dominos, whether it’s a midnight “snack” or feeding the people at your bro/sis hall event, we can count on those pizza’s to be fresh and hot. Go visit them and grab a slice with your friends.

Mosaic Collective is not only selling trendy items for all aspects of your life, but they are challenging people to rethink what they buy and why they buy it. Every item they sell has a story, and we encourage you to go check them out to hear them!

Amazon Prime Student is there for us because we all know a time when that free 2-day shipping came in clutch. Go check out their booth at Block Party to see if you can find any sweet deals.

Your Event Source is always behind the scenes making Block Party great. If you love the view of Block Party from the top of the Ferris Wheel or have made the best memories watching your friends get thrown off the mechanical bull, you have Your Event Source to thank.

We are thankful for our premiere Sponsors and hope you get the chance to stop by and say hi this Saturday!

Student Activities Fall 2022 Event Preview

August 11, 2022

After three months apart it is finally time for all of us to come back together for the Fall semester and we are SO EXCITED to see all of you! As students begin to fill Liberty’s campus again for the coming school year, we will see the reuniting of old friends after months apart and we will watch as a new year brings in a new class of freshman who will begin to make lifelong friends! Here in the Student Activities office, we have been hard at work preparing a semester of events that will give each and every student the opportunity to come together to enjoy themselves and to build relationships with one another!

This semester is chocked full, and I do mean FULL, of exciting new events, but also many of the Student Activities events that students have come to know and love will be making an appearance as well. We wanted to provide room for the return of classic events that have become tradition to many of the students here and bring in the new semester with new events that students will soon come to know and love!

Kicking us off for the semester we have Fall Welcome Week which is filled to the brim with classic events like Outdoor Open Mic, Bingo, and Outdoor Movie which are events that we will also get to see again throughout the semester. Speaking of classic events, the annual celebration of surviving the first week of class otherwise known as Block Party is an event, we all can’t wait to get to!

As crazy awesome as Fall Welcome Week is, it is only a taste of what we have for you for this semester! Student Activities has spent many hours putting together new events for the semester are funky, fresh, and fun! (I cringed at that line but it’s staying for the LOLs) With events like Line Dancing Night, Laser Tag, Couch Acoustics, Neon Mini Golf and so much more, there is an event for everyone to come and enjoy this Fall! Our beloved Fall Fest will be making an appearance once again, but students will also get to experience the first ever Monster Mash!

There is so much for the student body to be excited for as we look ahead student concerts, a comedy show with Dustin Nickerson, Christmas in Lights, and of course COFFEEHOUSE! We are so excited for y’all to be back here with us building community and just having fun together! SEE Y’ALL SOON!


Written by: Elisabeth Hardy

Elisabeth is a Psychology Counseling major with minors in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministry. She is passionate about using opportunities to show the creativity of God and His presence! She loves writing for the blog as a way to express herself and be creative about things that are fun and relevant.

Block Party Artist Preview

August 5, 2022

Lucas James

Lucas James hails from Cincinnati, Ohio. WHO DEY! (If you know you know) Lucas is excited to share his music on the Block Party stage which is influenced mostly by the Indie-pop genre. Lucas enjoys the story-telling aspect of music and how music can take you on a journey. He is inspired by artists such as Lizzy McAlpine and Jordy Searcy. Get to Block Party right when gates open for Lucas James to take you on a musical journey through his life.


KMO delivers passionate pop/RnB music to his listeners by drawing inspirations from Jon Bellion and Stevie Wonder. The Maryland native’s fun and joyful personality shine through his music and can be seen clearly during live performances. When you see him around campus, ask him about the time he met a president of the United States. KMO is no stranger to the Student Activities stage and is excited to return for Block Party.

Evvie McKinney

Evvie McKinny is an up-and-coming Gospel artist who gained recognition after winning the show Four: Battle of Stardom on FOX. Her debut single on her new record label “Bring the Whole Hood” gives you a glimpse of Evvie’s life and motivations for her music. Student Activities is excited for Evvie to take the Block Party stage and give us a fresh take of the future of gospel music.

Gable Price and Friends

Gable Price and Friends is a punk rock band from Redding, California delivering the hypest jams and the deepest lyrics. Never sacrificing on the deeper meaning, Gable Price and Friends has found their musical niche somewhere between Holy and Hand Grenade. Known for their electric performances, Gable Price and Friends has an energy that fans cannot forget. This band has no clue what it means to use an inside voice. From rock and roll anthems, to cry your heart out love songs for God, this band knows what it means to feel. Challenging lyrics like “Offend my mind so that I can know you more” are a staple of the band and their off the wall perspective on Life, Christianity, and the human experience. Listen to Gable Price and Friends if you want to find yourself jumping around and remembering the goodness of God, Gable Price and Friends will be your new favorite band.

Social Club Misfits

Social Club Misfits is a Christian Hip Hop duo from Miami, Florida featuring the talents of rappers Fern and Marty. Social Club Misfits constantly looks to push the boundaries of hip hop as they combine their unique personalities to create an authentic and positive experience. Their albums pull from several influences such as their Puerto Rician cultural roots, their quirky sense of humor, and their life experiences but they find a way to craft it all to point to God. In 2020 Social Club Misfits dropped the Album “Feared by Hell” and won Hip-Hop Album of the year at the Dove Awards, beating out the Album Jesus is King by then Kanye West. At this time Marty and Fern realized they were burnt out and decided to take a break, a normal death sentence for a musician, Social Club saw this as a way to refresh themselves as fathers, husbands, and friends. Against the odds they are back working on music, this is the passion and talent God has given them. Come experience their high-energy performance and no apologies personalities at Block Party!

SA Reviews: SA Fest

May 5, 2021

Last weekend was our first annual SA Fest, and what a time it was! With this week, our goal was to highlight various talent in the wide spectrum of music and arts. We admired the beauty of photography and chalk drawings, learned about fly-fishing, and rocked out with John Mark McMillan. We kicked it off with the Online Photo Expo where students can submit their photography to be showcased on our Facebook page. We got to see some amazing pictures that depicted various aspects of life.

On Thursday, we went to Hydaway where Ethan Martin, the owner of TaleTellers Fly Shop, taught us about making three different lures to enhance your fly-fishing experience. Each person got to make two worm lures, two nymph lures, and two bug lures. They also got to learn more about TaleTellers Fly Shop and more about Ethan’s shop in downtown Lynchburg.

Then, students watched News of the World – a movie about Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd escorting a ten-year-old child across the harsh western terrain. They come across danger from other people and from natural world. Students were able to treat themselves to concessions and free popcorn while watching on the big screen in Vines.

We hosted our first ever Chalk the Lot on Saturday where we showcased students’ talent by letting them turn a parking space into their artistic creation. Also, seniors were celebrated with free Rookie’s or Golf Park Coffee and free Domino’s pizza. We also gave each senior a free t-shirt designed by our graphic design team. To put the icing on the cake, we jammed out with McKenna Stamm, TJ Lawson, and Noah McLeroy who performed live music for students to enjoy.

To close out the week, we spent the night with talented John Mark McMillan and John Mark Pantana. John Mark Pantana opened the show with mellow, yet powerful lyrics backed with stories from his walk with Jesus. John Mark McMillan headlined the show and captivated the room with his relatable and personal expert songwriting backed by his robust instrumentals.

We had a blast at this year’s SA Fest. We were excited to give a platform to artists to showcase their talents in a variety of ways. We can’t wait to be back at SA Fest next year with new events and artists!


Written by: Andrew Reynolds 

Andrew Reynolds is a Senior Project Management Major, and enjoys writing for the blog because of the opportunity it gives him to grow as a writer and to challenge himself to see current topics and discussions from a view point he may not have otherwise thought about.

SA Previews: SA Fest

April 23, 2021

As the semester comes to a close, many students are desperate for a pause on reality. Finals are looming, graduation and the future are lurking, and the thought of studying is listless. Before academic life takes over one last time, take a break and check out SA Fest!

Kicking off the week is the Online Photo Expo which begins Monday, April 26. Photos will be posted on the Student Activities Facebook page where viewers can vote for their favorites. Voting will last all week before the winner is announced at noon on Friday, April 30.

With the weather and water getting warmer, now is a perfect time to sharpen up those fishing skills. Grab some friends and register for a workshop on fly tying! This learning experience will take place at Hydaway Outdoor Center at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 29.

On Friday night, end the last full week of classes by watching a movie on the lawn. Free popcorn, a blanket, and a movie with friends is a perfect way to wind down the semester. News of the World will be shown on the Commons Lawn at 8:30 p.m.

Chalk the Lot will take place from 12 – 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 1 in the Pavilion Lot. Chalk murals done by Liberty’s very own students will be drawn throughout the event and will be voted on by YOU to determine first and second place winners. Live music will be performed by McKenna Stamm, TJ Lawson, and Noah McLeroy. All this art might make you hungry, so there will be food trucks and vendors at the event.

The promise of food is always a strong incentive, but free food is even better. Graduating seniors who come to Chalk the Lot will receive free food and shirts. College education can be a hard four years, so come celebrate the accomplishment of making it through.

Closing out SA Fest is a concert with John Mark McMillan featuring John Mark Pantana. Grab some tickets for Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. and head to the LaHaye Event Space to wrap up the week and have a good time before cracking open those textbooks.

SA Fest will be held April 26 – May 1 at various campus locations. SA Fest is our first annual arts and entertainment festival, highlighting a variety of events and workshops to help develop community and foster culture. If you’re looking to participate in one of our educational workshops, enjoy the latest in music or movies, or explore the arts in depth, SA Fest is for you.


Written by: Anna Pender

Anna is a Senior Strategic Communications major. She is thankful to have the opportunity to write for the blog because it gives her a chance to explore and write about topics and events that she is passionate about and that are relevant to the world. She loves getting to be creative and share her personality through writing.