Art that’s good for the heart

October 13, 2023

Imagine seeing a blank canvas turned into something beautiful right before your eyes. It is rewarding knowing you created it – seeing the beginning through the end of the process. Creativity and art can be for everybody, no matter your skill set. Hobbies do not always need to be something you are good at, just something you enjoy. You can enjoy playing an instrument, a sport, or creating art, even if you are not the best at it.

As we enjoy Fall Break, we can view this time as a reset or, for some, a time to catch our breath. Why not create something with your time off? Not only can it be fun but there are several benefits of creating art!

1) Exercises creativity

When creating art for yourself, you can make something without the pressure of someone else’s approval. You can create something that doesn’t have restrictions or guidelines. This type of freedom allows you to create something unique. You can express yourself with the style, colors, and concept behind the art piece. Your brain is a muscle, and like any muscle in your body, you need to exercise it to keep it strong and healthy.

2) Reduces stress

College can be a stressful time (can I get an Amen?) needing to manage academics, and personal and social life. It can be challenging to find time to just be and not worry about the next thing on your calendar. Art can be a great outlet to focus on something else.

3) Increases dopamine

Dopamine is the “reward center” of the brain. Having a healthy amount can make you feel happy, motivated, alert, and focused. This can help your mood throughout the day and can even benefit your education.

4) Processes emotions

A lot of people like to journal to process their thoughts and emotions. Some people though, find it difficult to process through words. Art can be a great way for those people to express their thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

5) Gives a break from the screens

Art can be created in many mediums. A great way to give your eyes and mind a break from our daily screens is to create studio art. People enjoy painting, drawing, pottery, and more. This allows you to be tactile and rest your eyes.

Seeing something beautiful can bring joy. We love to watch sunsets and go on a hike for a great view. Inspiration can be found everywhere – you can take a walk in nature, take a drive through a city, or visit local shops. Sometimes it’s nice to get out of your little bubble of daily life to spark some new ideas. Creating art can be the next great step after gathering inspiration.

Come out to LeMonet on Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. on the Academic Lawn. Enjoy a relaxing evening with friends, create a masterpiece watercolor painting, and enjoy a glass of lemonade.



Written by Makena Joseph

Makena is the Coordinator of Marketing for Student Activities.