SA Recaps: Film Fest

February 18, 2020

Thursday, February 13, we had the pleasure of showing six student-produced and directed films at our second annual Film Fest! It was a great night full of videos, mingling, a Q&A with the directors, and of course, awards.

We wanted those of you who missed the event to feel like you were there, so we’re attaching four of the six films to this blog post for your viewing pleasure. You might want to watch them before reading which awards were won so you can form your opinion, but if you want to cut to the chase, here are the award winners:

Best Acting: “1959 On My Mind” by Cameron Wilson

Best Cinematography: “Jesus Heals a Paralytic in Lego” by Sam Lee

Best Directing: “1959 On My Mind” by Cameron Wilson

Best Editing: “When They Fell” by Philip Pomeroy

Best Musical Score: “1959 On My Mind” by Cameron Wilson

Best Special Effects: “Jesus Heals a Paralytic in Lego” by Sam Lee

Best Screenplay/Writing: “1959 On My Mind” by Cameron Wilson

We had the best time at the event and can’t wait for next year!