Who is SA?

March 30, 2023

Picture this. You’re a somewhat new college student and you are just starting to get comfortable with the very unique culture that resides on Liberty’s campus. You’re starting to wonder where God is leading you next after such a huge life change. You start to ask yourself several questions; “When should I start trying to get involved on campus?”, “I’m going broke; where do I even start looking for a job?” and “Am I making the most out of my college experience?”.

I found myself here about a year and a half ago, eager to know where He wanted me to take my next steps. After a full year at Liberty, I decided to try to step out of my comfort zone and chase after a brand-new experience. There was something in me that knew that I needed to pop my own bubble and extend myself because He was calling me to much more than my comfort zone. As a natural introvert, this was extremely hard for me, but I wanted to find a job that wasn’t a place I’d just come and leave like my previous, not-so-enjoyable high school job (I know most of us can relate, unfortunately). I wanted to make an impact and really enjoy what I would be doing.

So then there I was, reaching out to clubs and departments, looking to see if I could be used there. Every time I tried, I’d be turned away. After two months of searching, I had a friend who worked for this department reach out to me, encouraging me to apply for the Event Staff position. All I knew about Student Activities was that they gave out free coffee and had people sing in microphones on the Academic Lawn. I had my doubts, knowing I’d be in a position where I’d be serving again, but little did I know, after a year and a half, that Student Activities has been much more than a job in the best way possible.

Working at Student Activities, I learned that my coworkers and I all have an opportunity to make an impact on Liberty’s culture, and at the end of the day, we help shape it. Being a Liberty student, I know all of you hold many memories at our events and maybe some of you have met your closest friends through an Open Mic, Coffeehouse, or a movie night! Knowing that we get to contribute to that is something that we think is truly awesome, and we cherish it! Serving a student body that is connected solely to one thing (Liberty) and being able to relate to that while we serve makes this job that much more enjoyable.

Like I said before, Student Activities strives to create culture and community through our events for the students, BUT within our staff, it has been so evident that we successfully do the same. We spend countless hours together, and after a semester of building Coffeehouse sets and serving coffee, we definitely get to know one another. It is not every day that you get to stay up until 4 in the morning with your co-workers, ride carnival rides on your break, go on late-night cookout runs, dance like crazy people at concerts, and stuff your face with cotton candy, I have made countless memories with all my coworkers. Being a part of the Student Activities team, I get to see all my brainstorming and hard work being enjoyed by the people I care about, and there is nothing like it!

If I haven’t made it obvious, what I cherish most about this job is the friendships and the memories we get to make together, but I also cherish how much it has shaped my character. God has used this job to steward boldness in me, which I would never have thought I’d end up having. It has helped me grow my patience, compassion, and drive.

Student Activities is much more than a job. It is a place to serve joyfully, create community for the students and your friends, make memories, grow, and make an impact.

Now, I would encourage YOU to apply to work for Student Activities. We are having a Job Fair on April 4th at the Montview Student Union, on the second floor, from 1 pm – 3 pm. You will not regret applying because working for Student Activities has been nothing but a blessing!


Written by Gabby Trotte

Gabby is a junior studying Digital Marketing and Advertising with a minor in Graphic Design. She loves photography, keeping up with the latest trends, and loves a good bagel.