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Before An Emergency

Be Prepared for Any Emergency

Sign Up for Campus Alerts
(Log in to myLU first)

Personal Preparedness

Knowing what to do before, during, and after an emergency is a critical part of being prepared. Being ready for a disaster starts with you. Take these basic steps so that you’re prepared to survive if disaster strikes.

Be Informed

Some of the hazards that Central Virginia is vulnerable to include:

  • Extreme Weather and Floods
  • Hazardous Materials and Radiological Events
  • Pandemics
  • Bomb Threats and Terrorism
  • Utility Failures

Some of the basic protective actions are similar for multiple hazards, and now is the best time to learn more about the effects of these hazards and how you should respond. Review our Emergency Plans page for details.

The Campus Alert System is the comprehensive communications solution that allows Liberty University to quickly disseminate an urgent message through multiple communication mediums. If there is a condition that significantly threatens the health and safety of persons on campus, university officials will warn the campus community through the notification system in conjunction with other communication measures, such as the outdoor sirens and social media.

Alerts will be sent by the Liberty University Department of Emergency Management & Community Engagement, and include:

  • Life-Threatening Situations
  • Hazardous Material Situations
  • Fire
  • Road Closings
  • School Closings
  • Severe Weather

Users can select from text message, voice phone call, or email notification methods for different types of non-life-threatening alerts and choose which alerts go to which devices. For example, road closings can be sent to email and school closing sent via text message or phone call. All users who sign up for the Campus Alert System will receive “Life-Threatening Situations” alerts. When logged in, you can sign up for campus alerts in the notifications section of your myLU profile.


Build a Kit

Make a Plan

Get Involved

Crime Prevention

The EMCE’s Community Engagement Division provides tips and training to help keep the Liberty University community safe.

Personal Safety Tips
Property Safety Tips

Workplace Violence

Liberty University prohibits workplace violence. Understand what is considered workplace violence and how to report it.

What is considered workplace violence?
Reporting Responsibilities

Training Courses

Get the skills and training you need to stay safe. Personal safety courses are available on a variety of topics that can help you to defend yourself around campus and beyond.

The Emergency Preparedness Office provides emergency management training for Liberty University faculty, staff, and command staff.

Check out our current course offerings on the Emergency & Safety Training page.

Campus Safety

Our highly trained LUPD officers seek to maintain a safe, friendly campus for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors, but you have a part to play too.

Interacting with a Police Officer
Traveling on Campus


Skates and Skateboards

Harassment and Assault: What you need to know

Stalking, harassment, and assault can happen to anyone on any university campus. The Liberty University Police Department does its best to keep our campus safe, but you can also assist in making our campus safer.

Stalking and Harassment

Flames Self Defense Training

Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Assault
Know Someone in Need of Help?


Emergency Management & Community Engagement (EMCE)
(434) 592-7674

Emergency Management

Community Engagement

EMCE Office Address
4550 Mayflower Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501

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