No Bags Allowed inside Scaremare! Please be prepared to go through metal detectors.

Scaremare 2024

October 10-12, 17-19, & 24-26 Play Video

Price of Admission

Admittance is only $5 for military personnel and college students on Thursdays Must have a valid college or military I.D. (one ticket per I.D.)


Passes must be purchased at the gate. No individual passes will be pre-sold.



* We advise against bringing children under the age of 13


Groups of 15+ must purchase passes in advance in order to secure a rate of $10 per person. Groups must purchase their passes at least 24 hours in advance.

Purchase group passes


* Groups who pay online using a credit card will be assessed a $1 per ticket service fee upon online checkout. To avoid this $1 service fee groups may call the ticket office (434-582-7328) and have them charge their credit card over the phone.

** All pre-purchased Group tickets will be held at the Scaremare ticket booth on-site. Groups must wait in the General Admission line; tickets will be given to the group leader once the group arrives at the ticket window. Tickets will not be available for early pick-up.


Groups of 15+ can avoid long lines by purchasing $14 Lineslasher passes for each person in their group. Lineslasher passes guarantee entry into Scaremare within 30 minutes of your scheduled appointment. Lineslasher passes must be purchased online. Passes must be purchased at least 24 hours in advance.

Purchase Lineslasher passes


*All Lineslasher passes should be picked up on-site at Scaremare through the “Lineslasher Check-in.” Passes will not be available for early pick-up.”

Scaremare Location

2300 Carroll Ave. Lynchburg, VA 24501
Parking is first come first serve.
General Inquiries: (434) 582-2180

About Scaremare


Scaremare presents fun-house rooms and scenes of death in order to confront people with the question “What happens after I die?”

Groups of people experience a 40-minute journey, passing through creepy trails, dark woods and eventually entering the House. At the end of the experience, visitors are presented with an answer to this question and given the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Approximately 26,000 people have made decisions for Christ over the past two decades. Ironically, this House of Death points to the Way of Life!

Scaremare has been held at four different locations, including a mansion in Amherst County and an old hospital in downtown Lynchburg. It presently operates at 2300 Carroll Ave, Lynchburg (the City Stadium exit, off of US Route 29 North)

Scaremare project continues in the planning process year— round, but swings into high gear from August through November. The House is open to the public during the last three weekends in October

Thousands of volunteer hours go into preparations of this project. It takes a cast of 300 Liberty University students to operate the House each night. Scaremare is sponsored by the Center for Youth Ministries at Liberty University.

Since 1972, more than 300,000 people from several states have made the trip through the House of Death that you are about to take.

The House attracts over a thousand people every Thursday night. Fridays and Saturdays can typically average between 2,000 and 4,000. The all-time record for attendance on one night was 4,500 in 2007.

Scaremare is carefully planned with safety in mind. Strict building, fire and insurance codes are maintained in the House and on its properties. Liberty University Police Department, fire, EMS and security personnel are on the premises at all times. In the event of an emergency, Liberty University Police Department, fire, EMS and security personnel will respond quickly and professionally.


  • “Scaremare gave me the opportunity to make my friend think about her life. Whether she will ever come to believe in God and accept Him into her life, I don’t know but at least she has to think about it and make her decision. Thank you for giving me the chance to share Christ with her through the whole Scaremare experience.”

  • “I just wanted to let you know that we visited Scaremare for the first time this past Saturday evening and we thought it was excellent. My husband and I took our son and his friend through the house and were very impressed by the way it was prepared! You should feel very proud of your accomplishment.”

  • “I just wanted to say SCAREMARE IS AWESOME!!”

  • “I would just like to say that Scaremare is great. I think it is well worth the wait to get in. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers for making it very scary and spooky for all to enjoy, they do a great job.”

  • “I would like to commend you on the wonderful job that you all did. Every volunteer that I spoke with was friendly, helpful and courteous. The scare house was great! It was realistic and thought provoking. I look forward to the follow-up that will take place with some of my students in the next few weeks as a result of the experience at Scaremare.Thank you again for this ministry and this effective tool for spreading the wonderful news of our Lord Jesus. May God richly bless the ministry of Scaremare and also each individual that worked on the project” – Minister to Students, VA

  • “Last night I went to Scaremare, it was the scariest Haunted House I have been in, and it also had the best message. We traveled 4 hours there from VA Beach and back but it was worth it. My best friend and her brother got saved, and I was so happy for her. All I could do was hug her. I think Scaremare is a really good idea, and it should keep going!”

  • “It’s been almost a year and Scaremare is still ministering my walk with God. I’ve gone through a few fun/death houses. Actually I’m even a part of one in Miami, FL. Scaremare is a … stunning way to draw the lost to redemption, and to quicken a holy living in the believer. It may not be for everyone, but most needed it. Thank you LU for making it all happen.” – Melissa

  • “Growing up in Holland, things surrounding my faith were always very different. I lived in Holland for 17 years and then moved to America to attend a year in high school. I went with some of the students from my youth group to Scaremare. I remember being scared out of my mind, but having a great old time. I remember walking into the tents at the end thinking this does not look like fun. A Liberty student started talking about how without Jesus you could not get to God. The student drew in the sand with a stick to explain that on one side, there was me and on the other side, there was God. He explained that in order to get to God you have to go through Jesus. When the student was done, he prayed with us and during prayer, he asked if any of us would like to accept Jesus and if we would, to raise our hand. Everything now making total and complete sense, I raised my hand. I am grateful every day for an outreach like Scaremare because it is such a great way to reach students today.” – Lynn


For more information on how to begin your relationship with Jesus Christ, download My First Steps.

First Step Booklet (PDF)

Group Promotion Poster (PDF)