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College For A Weekend: Commonly Asked Questions

Mar 29, 2021 • Rachel F.

College For A Weekend (CFAW) isn’t your typical college visit. Instead of touring campus …

Dear Class of 2025

Mar 17, 2021 • Rachel F.

Dear Class of 2025, Your high school chapter is coming to a close, but don’t let it pass …

What is CFAW?

Feb 24, 2021 • Graham B.

Ever wanted to test-drive life as a college student before enrolling? We know how important …

The 25 Different Scholarships Liberty University Offers

Feb 17, 2021 • Graham B.

Expenses can be a large factor when trying to decide where you want to attend college. It is …

Transportation at Liberty University

Nov 6, 2020 • Graham B.

One major question that future students have about their university is “What is the best …

College Life Beyond the Classroom: How To Spend Time

Nov 5, 2020 • Rachel F.

Studies show that 95% of learning takes place outside the classroom. When you think of college, …

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