Your Hall is Your Community

Aug 23, 2021 • Rachel F.

At Liberty University, your hall is your community. I cannot stress the importance of community on your hall enough because college is a time when you should be surrounded by encouragement and strong relationships. So what is your hall? Your hall is where you live on campus. So for example, if you live on Commons, your hall is your floor. Each hall has a leadership team with one or more Resident Assistants and Resident Shepherds as well as a few Community Group Leaders. Each person on leadership serves a unique purpose but they all share the goal of encouraging and investing in you during your time at Liberty.


As mentioned, each hall is composed of a leadership team. Resident Assistants basically oversee the hall and dorm life, enforce the Liberty Way, and stay actively involved in the live of students on their hall. Resident Shepherds help the students on their hall grow spiritually and meet with Community Group Leaders regularly. Community Group Leaders serve and minister to a select group of students on their hall and meet with them each week in community groups. Those that serve in these roles are continuously trained and mentored throughout each semester.


If I were to give one tip to incoming Liberty students, I would highly suggest being actively involved on your hall because it fosters community and gives you a family. There are lots of ways that you can be involved on your hall! Each hall has a brother or sister dorm that they connect with throughout each semester, and leadership from both halls meet to plan events. These events can range anywhere from playing volleyball to attending campus events to hiking. 


One of my favorite things about having a brother dorm is the fun activities we get to do with them. Another way to get involved is to make sure your schedule is free on Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights are always a joyful time jampacked with community. Brother and sister dorms meet for hall dinner, attend Campus Community together, a worship and teaching service for students, and then students come together in community groups. These groups meet all around campus with their Community Group Leader to discuss the message and build relationships with one another.


The community that comes with a hall is unlike any other because it is continuously prioritized and always a constant. I believe that Liberty is one of the colleges with the best student life. At Liberty, we believe that no student should go through college alone, which is why there is such a strong emphasis on community. As an incoming student, there will be so much you’ll want to see and do but make sure that community is a priority for you and this starts on your hall. Make it a priority for yourself but also so you can lift up others and be there for them as well. I am so excited for you to embark on your college journey here at Liberty and know you will have such an incredible and joyful time on your hall!

Rachel F.

Christian Leadership & Church Ministries - Women's Leadership

  • Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
  • Activities/Hobbies: Shopping, painting, traveling and seeing new places
  • Favorite Music: Kings Kaleidoscope, Ecclesia, Montell Fish, Taylor Swift
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Golf Park Coffee Co.
  • Favorite Foods: Smoothies, Tacos, Pancakes