Dear Class of 2025

Mar 17, 2021 • Rachel F.

Dear Class of 2025,

Your high school chapter is coming to a close, but don’t let it pass by too quickly. Enjoy your senior year because before you know it, you’ll be enjoying your summer as a recent high school graduate and getting ready for the next chapter in your life – college.

 I can relate because my college chapter is coming to a close – I’ll be graduating in May as well. As someone finishing college, I have so much advice for new college students. There are four pieces of advice I would offer to you as an incoming freshman.

  1. Stay true to yourself. I completely understand wanting to be a different person than you were in high school because college is so new, but make sure you don’t let those around you define who you are. At the end of the day, you are your own person.
  2. School is important but so is your health. If you are struggling, don’t run yourself into the ground to where it negatively impacts your mental and physical health. Instead let your professors know – they understand how important your health is and would much rather you ask for help than fail. Your professors want you to succeed and are here for you every step of the way.
  3. There is a balance you’ll have to find between your academic life and social life. This balance is different for everyone, but when you get to college, one of the first things you’ll learn is how to manage your time. Don’t lose sight of why you’re attending college; there are going to be times when you have to miss out on having fun because of school work. Balancing academics and social life can be difficult, but you’ll figure it out!
  4. Lastly, I wish someone had told me how much college teaches you about who you are. I always thought my learning in college would be centered around my major and future career, but after four years, I realize I have learned so much about myself too.

The day that you move into your campus dorm and say goodbye to your parents is the day you become more independent. When it comes to college life, you’re fully responsible for your time, meals, day-to-day activities, and more. All of this responsibility is a learning process, but eventually you’re going to find your rhythm. Invest some of your time into discovering new passions and hobbies. Take advantage of all the new doors that college presents because you won’t find them anywhere else. Whether it’s joining a club, running for student government, or volunteering — at Liberty you’re surrounded with opportunities. Your grades and classes are important, but make sure you set aside time for yourself too.

College is going to fly by, and before you know it, you’ll be a college graduate like I’m about to be. These next four years of your life are going to be life changing in so many ways; make sure to enjoy and embrace them while they last. Find joy in every day (yes, even the long ones full of studying and coffee) because one day you’re going to miss it and wish you could go back. The years you’re in college are the ones that shape you and define your future — don’t let them slip by.

Rachel F.

Christian Leadership & Church Ministries - Women's Leadership

  • Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
  • Activities/Hobbies: Shopping, painting, traveling and seeing new places
  • Favorite Music: Kings Kaleidoscope, Ecclesia, Montell Fish, Taylor Swift
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Golf Park Coffee Co.
  • Favorite Foods: Smoothies, Tacos, Pancakes