A Day in the Life as a Liberty Student

May 12, 2020 • Rachel F.

While I knew that college life would definitely be a lot different from high school, I wasn’t quite sure what that would look like, especially at Liberty University. When you go to college, making the transition is a big change because of the opportunity it presents for more freedom with what you do with your time. Saying you learn a lot about time management and responsibility is an understatement.

When I became a student, the transition was difficult at first. I had to prioritize, buckle down, and focus. It was difficult at first but, eventually, I developed a daily routine. Let me give you a college life walk-through of what a day for me as a Liberty student looks like. To give you some background, I am currently a junior at Liberty studying church leadership and church ministries with a focus in women’s ministry, and I live on Campus East!

On a typical day, I’ll wake up, get ready for class, and eat breakfast. Since I live on Campus East, I have a full kitchen, so I’m able to make breakfast, but most mornings I usually leave my dorm room and eat at the dining hall since it’s quicker and easier. Having the dining hall is a huge benefit that I’ll never take for granted. Not only are there so many great options on the dining hall menu, but also both meal plans at Liberty offer unlimited swipes so I can stop there throughout the day whether it’s for a meal, snack, or coffee. Not to mention Liberty is ranked in the top five best college dining halls.

From the dining hall, I head to my first class of the day at 9:20 a.m. After class, I head directly to Convocation. Convocation is required for all students who live on-campus and anyone under 21 who lives off-campus. I absolutely love Convocation. I look forward to attending it every Wednesday and Friday because of the amazing speakers I get to learn from. After everyone piles out of Convocation, I usually grab lunch with my friends. Sometimes we do this in the dining hall, or we grab food from one of the great dining locations in the Montview Student Union.

If time is on my side and the line isn’t too long, I’ll grab a drink from Starbucks in the library before heading to my next class. When I’m finished with classes for the day, I have a lot of freedom with what I want to do with the rest of my time. Depending on what I want to do, I’ll go to the library to get work done or I head back to my dorm and take a nap. In the evenings, I have a lot of options of things to do depending on my current work load. If I don’t have a lot of school work, I like to hang out with friends.

One thing we sometimes do is go to Green Hall where the gym is located. There we’ll play some sports such as volleyball or basketball and afterwards grab something to eat. If it’s college basketball season and there’s a home game going on, we absolutely love going to cheer on our Liberty Flames! While there is so much to do on campus, there’s also so much to do outside of campus as well. We might head to the mall, chill at a coffee shop or go somewhere downtown.

My favorite thing about attending Liberty is the community that surrounds me and encourages me every day. I love that there is always something to do, whether that’s studying at a coffee shop, having a blast at a Student Activities event like bingo or laser tag, or even just hanging out; there’s never a dull day here. I feel so blessed to go to a school where community is not only encouraged, but also prioritized. Going to Liberty is more than being part of a Christian college — it’s a family.

Rachel F.

Christian Leadership & Church Ministries - Women's Leadership

  • Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
  • Activities/Hobbies: Shopping, painting, traveling and seeing new places
  • Favorite Music: Kings Kaleidoscope, Ecclesia, Montell Fish, Taylor Swift
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Golf Park Coffee Co.
  • Favorite Foods: Smoothies, Tacos, Pancakes