Debunking the Myths About Liberty University

Sep 24, 2020 • Graham B.

There are a lot of rumors circulating throughout the world about Liberty University. While some of them may be true, the majority of them are not. I’m going to bring those rumors to light and tell you if in my experience as a student at Liberty I have found them to be true or not.


There is a curfew on-campus at Liberty. On Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights, curfew is at midnight. On Wednesday nights, curfew is at 10 p.m. because of hall meetings and community groups. On Friday and Saturday nights, curfew is at 12:30 a.m. Students over the age of 20 are allowed to be off-campus past curfew if they have signed out. However, curfew does not mean you must be asleep by that time. It means that you must be on your hall or in your dorm room.

Dress Code

There are plenty of rumors out there about Liberty’s dress code. Most people who have not been here are under the impression that students must have every inch of their skin covered at all times. This is certainly not case. There are two sets of dress guidelines: class and casual.

For men attending class or Convocation, pants such as jeans or khakis, and excluding athletic or pajama pants, are required. Hats and hoods are discouraged inside of classrooms or Convocation. Men’s casual dress consists of basically anything that isn’t awkwardly showy. If students are wearing a reasonably modest shirt and shorts or pants, meaning not showing an excessive amount of skin, it is acceptable as casual dress.

For women attending class or Convocation, reasonably modest length skirts and dresses or pants must be worn. Women’s casual dress includes anything acceptable as class dress, plus any modest shorts and athletic wear.

The reasoning for the dress code rules that are in place is to help students look professional, as well as to guard the hearts of students. There are many business people and professors on our campus every day, and Liberty wants their students to look professional when they meet those people. Liberty also does not want students to dress in immodest ways that could cause them to be a stumbling block for the students around them.


One popular myth about entertainment at Liberty is that R-rated movies are not allowed. This may have been the case in the past, but is not now. It is just expected that students use discretion and caution when viewing content rated “M” or “R” and do not disrupt the students around them.

Any media or entertainment displaying nudity or pornography is not permitted at Liberty as to protect their students from lust and sexual immorality.

Substance Use

One rumor about Liberty that is true is that the use of alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, and drugs is prohibited. The use of these substances is not allowed on or off campus. This is for the health and safety of the students.

Physical Contact

Ah, the big one: physical touch. If you were to Google a question about Liberty, questions like “can you hold hands at Liberty University” or “can you kiss at Liberty University” will also come up. I cannot speak to what the rules used to be, since this is only my third year here, but the rules are not as strict now. Students are simply encouraged to use common-sense, discretion, and not give the appearance of impropriety. However, sexual relations outside of marriage are not permitted at Liberty in accordance with biblical principles.

The Meaning Behind It All

The meaning behind the rules at Liberty University is not to control the students. They are for the health, safety, and benefit of the students. Liberty wants to allow students to make decisions on their own, while also placing them on a path to success.

Graham B.

Business Administration: Digital Marketing/Advertising & Marketing Analytics

  • Hometown: Dothan, AL
  • Activities/Hobbies: Hiking, Kayaking, Photography, Beach Volleyball, and Board Games
  • Favorite Music: Johnnyswim, Bruno Major, and The Band Camino
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, New Girl, and the Office
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Starbucks, Common Areas, and Any Mountain or Trail
  • Favorite Foods: Avocados, Peanuts, and Sandwiches