How to Stay Organized: In the Simplest Ways!

Feb 13, 2019 • Ellie J.

College is fun, exciting, growing, and can be very busy.  I found myself very overwhelmed and unorganized during my first semester here at Liberty.  But with three years of experience under my belt, I’ve gained some wisdom on how to make a busy college schedule a little simpler and more organized!

1.  Pack your Backpack before Bed:

This may be my favorite college tip to give!  I make sure I have all the books I need for my classes, snacks for the day, headphones, my water bottle, chargers, my favorite highlighters, etc.  I even check the weather to see if I’ll need an umbrella!  This way, I won’t forget anything and have to take an unplanned and time-consuming trip back to the dorm during my busy day.  I also recommend choosing your outfit and setting it out the night before, it saves so much time in the morning!

2. Plan Your Week Ahead of Time:

I use my sticky notes app on my laptop and I write out each class, event, meeting, social activity, etc., I have for the week. I also put all of those things in my calendar app on my phone!  This way, you’ll know what times you are free!  Once I have my complete schedule, I’ll add set times to do homework as well!  Doing this has helped me simplify my schedule and recognize when it’s necessary to say “no,” and when it’s okay and good to say “yes!”

3.  Write a Priority List:

If you’re anything like me, sitting down to tackle homework can be very overwhelming.  I used to find myself wasting time not knowing where to start.  Now, I write out a priority list using my sticky notes app!  I’ll write out all the assignments I have to complete list them in order by due date.  I also include what each assignment will require me to do.  For example, if I have a 3-page paper discussing a specific article due next week, I would note that I have to read and study the article before I begin writing.  This allows me to know exactly what is expected of me and how much time I will need to complete it!

Here is an example of how I use the sticky notes app: 

I pray these three tips to help you stay organized and keep life simple!  College gets busy, but I know you can do it with God’s strength and wisdom!

Talk soon, Ellie 

Ellie J.

Integrated Communications

  • Hometown: Dover, New Hampshire
  • Activities/Hobbies: Water coloring, playing Telestrations, and blogging!
  • Favorite Music: Taylor Swift, Hillsong, Need to Breathe, Vance Joy, LANY
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: The Office, Star Wars, and Finding Nemo
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Dublin 3, the Freedom Tower, Monogram
  • Favorite Foods: Tacos all the way!