That’s a Wrap! My Fall 2018 Memories

Dec 19, 2018 • Abby B.

Friends, this semester has been so special to me. August feels like yesterday, yet somehow four months have flown by. LU’s campus is quiet now; most students journeyed home as soon as their exams ended. Can you believe the Fall 2018 semester is finished?

I’ve officially…

Finished more semesters of undergrad than I have left (3 more to go!).

Celebrated my one-year work anniversary here on Liberty’s social media team.

Met Joel & Luke Smallbone from the band For King & Country and vlogged with them!

Traveled to Minnesota for Fall Break and to Elevation Church for a leadership conference.

Moved into an off-campus apartment and began practicing my cooking skills.

Published a paper in Liberty’s Honors Journal.

Completed my third semester of Life Group leadership with the greatest small group & friends around!

Abby with her Mom and Sister in Minnesota

Recently, I’ve been talking to the Lord about how to finish well because I too often find myself questioning God, asking if He will really finish what He’s begun in my life and in the lives of those around me. It seems like every time I hit finals week I wonder if I’ll able to complete everything on time. So, to wrap up this semester, I thought I’d share some of what I’ve been learning with you!

Remember how Jesus promised to move mountains if we have faith the size of mustard seeds? Here’s the kicker- we often find the faith to believe He’ll start, but do we really trust that He’ll finish the work He began? I find myself in that limbo state often, stepping out in faith yet afraid I won’t arrive at the other side of my decision, wondering if I aimed too high or shot too far or dreamed too big. But when I look at Scripture I see a God who moves in HIS time, shifting heaven and earth in response to the prayers of His creation.

What are you praying for today? Do you believe God will complete the promises He proclaimed, or do you fear you’ll be left in limbo?

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” -Revelation 22:13

“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” -Philippians 1:6

God WILL finish what He started, so walk in faith, trusting God to finish the work He began. 

See ya in January,


Chinatown arch in Washington D.C.Abby and her Life Group at their Christmas PartyAbby, Bailey, and Ellie with for King & CountryAbby and her college ministry's leadership team at Inside Elevation

Abby B.


  • Hometown: Lynchburg, VA
  • Activities/Hobbies: small group ministry, percussion, traveling, and blogging
  • Favorite Music: United Pursuit, Hillsong, NeedtoBreathe, and Tenth Avenue North
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Singin' in the Rain, Fixer Upper, I Love Lucy and La La Land
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Blue Ridge Bagels, Bean Tree Cafe, and our local Mexican restaurant
  • Favorite Foods: Chicken, pasta, ice cream, and waffles