How to Handle Tough Days

Dec 19, 2018 • Abby B.

Have you ever left an interview feeling down because you couldn’t get your words out clearly? Has your computer ever frozen mid-presentation, leaving you fumbling for words in front of the entire class? Have you ever frustrated your roommates because your music was too loud or because you forgot to take out the trash? How do you pick yourself back up again after a hard exam or an impossible group project? When everything hits the fan, what do you do?

This has been a wonderful semester, but I’ve had my fair share of rough moments with miscommunications, forgotten assignments, too many commitments, and not enough time to do it all. As I reflect on the past four months, I’m beginning to realize that how you handle tough stuff is just as important as avoiding those situations in the first place. Here’s three ways to pick up the bits and pieces of life after a bad day.

1. Call Someone.

When I need to process a bad day, I call one of three people: my mom, my dad, or one of my closest friends ((unless I end up calling all three anyway… can I get an amen from all the verbal processors out there?)). The people that surround you in college are crucial; take time to develop relationships that go below the surface! My mom and dad have been my biggest supporters since I entered this world, and I trust their insight completely. My inner circle of friends will usually grab a meal together, and we’ll help one another talk through and deal with the tough stuff in life. We laugh and cry together, always pointing each other to Truth in God’s Word!

2. Choose Something.

If I have a rough day, I’ll usually find something fun to do to put it out of my mind. Sometimes that means baking cookies or watching a movie, and sometimes that means getting together with a friend or going to bed early. I’ve found that keeping myself busy with other things helps me to shift my perspective on whatever happened. If you’re having a tough time, choose something fun to do!

3. Create Space.

It’s really okay to take a few minutes to breathe, I promise. If you know you have an internship interview from 1-1:30, don’t schedule another commitment until 2 or 2:30. If you have a test Monday morning, try to avoid slamming your afternoon with activities. Too often we stuff away our feelings about a tough situation because we’re so busy with everything else in life. Take time to process through how you felt about your interview or your presentation; everything else will get done in due time!

I hope my experiences can help you handle your tough days! You’ve got this!

Abby B.


  • Hometown: Lynchburg, VA
  • Activities/Hobbies: small group ministry, percussion, traveling, and blogging
  • Favorite Music: United Pursuit, Hillsong, NeedtoBreathe, and Tenth Avenue North
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Singin' in the Rain, Fixer Upper, I Love Lucy and La La Land
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Blue Ridge Bagels, Bean Tree Cafe, and our local Mexican restaurant
  • Favorite Foods: Chicken, pasta, ice cream, and waffles
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