Finding Friends in College

Nov 12, 2018 • Abby B.

I have some of the greatest friends in the whole wide world, but can I be honest with you today? The weekend before I moved into my freshman dorm at Liberty I was incredibly nervous about making new friends. My stomach churned, and my thoughts ran around frantically like a hamster scrambling to keep up on its spinning wheel. Have you ever wondered about any of these questions before?

Will I enjoy living with a roommate?

Will I miss my family?

Will I be successful in college?

Will dorm life be fun?

Will I have friends to eat meals with, or will I have to eat alone?

Congratulations- you’re officially normal. If you weren’t nervous about college I’d be wondering if you were really invested in your college experience, haha. College is intimidating! Harder classes, independent living, and a new city are all crazy things to navigate, and you’re having to get used to all three at once. Because good friends are an important part of your college experience, here are three ways to help you make friends in college!

1. OPEN your dorm room door.

No joke, a bright blue doorstop was the first item I purchased for my dorm room. Whenever I wanted to meet new people, I’d prop my dorm room door open and work on homework or read a book while I waved to the girls passing by. Usually the girls would stop for a minute, and we’d catch up on life before they went on to their rooms. Sometimes girls would even bring their homework and join me in my room or in the hallway. I made many friends just by opening my door!

2. ASK good questions.

Asking questions is the best-kept secret of building friendships. The next time you meet a girl or guy from your hall for a meal, ask them about their family, their high school experience, and their degree choice. Ask about their hobbies, their interests, and their spiritual walk. By asking good questions (and actually listening to the response), you’ll find yourself building meaningful friendships with your hallmates and classmates alike!

3. JOIN a club.

Liberty has soooo many fun clubs and chapters of various organizations to join. To see a full list of clubs at LU, visit the SGA website here. One of my roommates has been involved in the Pre-OT club for several years, and she has loved meeting other Pre-OT students, networking with professionals, and connecting with classmates outside of the classroom through her involvement in the club. Finding people with similar interests is a fantastic way to make new friends here on campus!


Abby and several friends

Abby B.


  • Hometown: Lynchburg, VA
  • Activities/Hobbies: small group ministry, percussion, traveling, and blogging
  • Favorite Music: United Pursuit, Hillsong, NeedtoBreathe, and Tenth Avenue North
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Singin' in the Rain, Fixer Upper, I Love Lucy and La La Land
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Blue Ridge Bagels, Bean Tree Cafe, and our local Mexican restaurant
  • Favorite Foods: Chicken, pasta, ice cream, and waffles