The Latest From Rachel F.

Your Hall is Your Community

Aug 23, 2021 • Rachel F.

At Liberty University, your hall is your community. I cannot stress the importance of community …

Advice from One Transfer Student to Another

Aug 3, 2021 • Rachel F.

Did you know that over one-third of college students will transfer schools at some point in …

The Summer Before College: How to Prepare

Jul 8, 2021 • Rachel F.

Attending college is an exciting chapter in your life, and with that comes preparation and …

Why I Chose Liberty: My Admissions Story

Jun 15, 2021 • Rachel F.

My sophomore year of high school, I started receiving flyer after flyer in the mail from different …

The Four Steps to Admissions

May 18, 2021 • Rachel F.

Step 1: Submitting Your Application: Applying to college involves a lot of steps, but Liberty University makes the application …

Internship Opportunities at Liberty University

Apr 7, 2021 • Graham B.

College is a time for learning, and Liberty University recognizes that there are many ways …

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