3 Ways Liberty Embodies a Christ-Centered Community

Apr 9, 2020 • Rachel F.

The first thing I was told when I came to Liberty University is that nobody should go through college alone, and because Liberty is a faith-based university, I knew I wouldn’t have to. But I quickly learned that Liberty goes beyond just being a Christian university. It’s a university that prides itself on developing Champions for Christ through a Christ-centered community — a community of students that looks out for each other and loves one another with a servant attitude, all while doing life together. On Liberty’s college campus, from dorms to classrooms, the foundation of Jesus is present in every environment.

  1. In the Classroom

Being a Christian college, not only is every class taught from a biblical worldview but most professors also start each class with prayer. Professors at Liberty are there for you every step of the way through prayer and mentorship. When I came here, I felt so blessed to have professors who truly cared about students like me and wanted me to do well. With classroom environments built on Christian values, you know that you are getting a quality education to prepare you for the real world so that you can be a Champion for Christ.

  1. On the Hall

When you live on campus, your hall is set up so that you have a community to do everyday life with. Resident assistants facilitate a hall and are actively involved with students to help them thrive and succeed. Resident shepherds are there to serve, love, and disciple students’ spiritual development on their hall. Community group leaders work alongside resident assistants and resident shepherds to minister to students in a small group as well as one-on-one. With resident assistants, resident shepherds, and community group leaders committed to their faith, they make it a priority to invest in you so that you won’t feel alone.

  1. As a Family

On your hall, in class, and on campus, you’ll find a great group of friends who will lift you up and be there for you every step of the way. I’ve met some of my best friends in my classes and on my hall. I am so thankful for these friendships that are so full of love and encouragement. In your time at Liberty, you will find that it is more than just a school – it’s a family.

Being a student at Liberty is more than just being a student. It’s is about being part of something bigger than ourselves. At the core of Liberty is the mission to train Champions for Christ; this means to follow the Word and not the world, to stand up for those without a voice, and to make an impact wherever we go. When you come to Liberty, you aren’t just becoming a student but you’re becoming a part of a family — a family that will love, encourage, and walk with you at every corner of your college experience.

Rachel F.

Christian Leadership & Church Ministries - Women's Leadership

  • Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
  • Activities/Hobbies: Shopping, painting, traveling and seeing new places
  • Favorite Music: Kings Kaleidoscope, Ecclesia, Montell Fish, Taylor Swift
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Golf Park Coffee Co.
  • Favorite Foods: Smoothies, Tacos, Pancakes
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