Creating Margin: 4 Ways to Simplify Your Schedule

Jan 18, 2019 • Abby B.

Have you ever jam-packed your day tighter than your suitcase coming home from vacation? Three summers ago I took a friend to the Maui airport, and as she hoisted her suitcase onto the baggage scale the zipper popped off. To our dismay, socks, souvenirs, and shoes flew EVERYWHERE. We had to send another friend to get a new suitcase, and 45 minutes later we found ourselves cramming her belongings into a massive, brand-new, obnoxiously hot-pink suitcase that was so bright it could glow in the dark. After many tears and rueful laughs I gave her a hug and waved goodbye as she flew home to Maryland.

As a second-semester junior, my day-to-day life sometimes feels a lot like that suitcase explosion. My secret talent is the ability to cram every possible hangout and homework assignment into an evening, and I’ll often forget to factor in driving time when I make plans to meet a friend after work and class. Since it’s a new year and a new semester, I’ve created four ways to simplify your schedule!

1. Set aside a Sabbath.

                We all need different amounts of rest to recharge and get ready for a new week, so the length of your day of rest might vary from mine. On Sundays I have church in the morning and Life Group in the evening, so my goal for 2019 is to finish all of my homework and Life Group prep on Saturday so that Sunday afternoons are free for naps, reading for fun, and creative projects.

2. Set apart your activities.

                If I could give college students one bit of time-saving advice, it’d be this: don’t overbook yourself! Always bank 10-15 minutes between meetings, classes, and activities to give yourself a moment to get to the new location, change your clothes, brush your teeth, or grab a snack. You’ll be less likely to be late, and you won’t be rushing around when you do arrive!

3. Get homework done.

                One of the tricks I’ve heard for doing your best on college assignments is to schedule out your homework and work at set times. For example, every Tuesday and Friday evening you might block off two hours to work on ENGL 101 and COMS 101 assignments. I plan to spend about an hour every Friday working on my ENGL 417 coursework since the class meets on Thursday nights, and I want the content to stay fresh in my mind!

4. Get a job.

                I know what you’re thinking- “Abby, how will working MORE give me MORE time??” Don’t panic; I promise this will make sense in just a second! I got my first job during my first semester of freshman year at college, and at first I didn’t like it. I’d get back to the dorm in the evenings and crank out assignments while the girls on my hall would stay up all night, talking and laughing and eating snacks. However, a few weeks passed and I began to realize how much faster I was finishing papers, how much more I was sleeping, and how nice it felt to receive my very own paycheck. Working during college kindly forced me to manage my time so that I could excel in my classes, give 110% at my job, and have enough time for good sleep and fun activities with friends. It’s increased my productivity because I simply couldn’t afford to waste time, and now I absolutely love working while going to school!

Abby B.


  • Hometown: Lynchburg, VA
  • Activities/Hobbies: small group ministry, percussion, traveling, and blogging
  • Favorite Music: United Pursuit, Hillsong, NeedtoBreathe, and Tenth Avenue North
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Singin' in the Rain, Fixer Upper, I Love Lucy and La La Land
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Blue Ridge Bagels, Bean Tree Cafe, and our local Mexican restaurant
  • Favorite Foods: Chicken, pasta, ice cream, and waffles