The End It Movement

Feb 8, 2019 • Abby B.

The End It Movement

Have you ever had one of those nights where words just can’t seem to paint a vivid enough picture of just how amazing the night was? Last night was one of those moments for me.

1000 college students flooded the sanctuary of my church to raise awareness for the End It Movement, a social good campaign designed to combat modern-day slavery. Around the world, commoners and celebrities alike drew a red X on their hands yesterday, signifying that human trafficking must end. Ascent, TRBC’s college ministry, hosted a prayer and praise service last night and invited students to gather together to worship God and beg Him to end the evil of slavery in our world.

The band and prayer team squeezed in a back room to pray before the service began, and the Holy Spirit started moving before we even made it to the stage. Everything that happened during the service was an overflow from our private prayer time, and I couldn’t help but marvel at the overwhelming joy we all felt. Yes, slavery is awful, and yes, it often feels like darkness threatens to overtake our world. HOWEVER, because Christ has already conquered death, we know that darkness will NEVER overcome the Light. Not now. Not ever. That’s good news, friends.

Since my words can’t do this night justice, I’ve attached my favorite photos from the service. If you’re interested in serving with local human trafficking organizations in Lynchburg, please visit the websites of Freedom 4/24and the Remade Campaign, or check out the Instagram of the LU Freedom 4/24 club!

Abby and friends1000 students in group photoAbby and friends

Abby B.


  • Hometown: Lynchburg, VA
  • Activities/Hobbies: small group ministry, percussion, traveling, and blogging
  • Favorite Music: United Pursuit, Hillsong, NeedtoBreathe, and Tenth Avenue North
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Singin' in the Rain, Fixer Upper, I Love Lucy and La La Land
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Blue Ridge Bagels, Bean Tree Cafe, and our local Mexican restaurant
  • Favorite Foods: Chicken, pasta, ice cream, and waffles
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