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Spiritual Disciplines – 40 Days of Fasting

An Introduction to Fasting

The practice of fasting is a spiritual discipline of voluntary abstinence from food or other things for the spiritual purpose of growing in godliness. Watch the video for a brief introduction to fasting from LU Shephard, Doug Damon.

*One important reminder, as with any changes in one’s dietary practices, you should consult your health care provider to be sure that you are healthy enough to fast from food for any period of time.

What is fasting?

Fasting is one of the most powerful spiritual disciplines in the life of a believer. It is a way for us to align our hearts with God, as well as an opportunity, given by God’s grace, to strengthen and sharpen our love for him. Learn more about what fasting is from LU Shepherd, Megan McCorkle.

Why Fast?

In many ways, fasting is our declaration of dependence on God. When we fast, we are telling God that there is nothing more important in our lives than spending time with Him. To get a deeper understanding of why you should consider fasting, watch this video.

Different Types of Fasting

21-Day Daniel Fast

The 21-Day Daniel Fast is an opportunity for you to draw closer to God through fervant, focused prayer. It involves a 21-day commitment to a partial fast, which means you restrict commonly enjoyed foods as an act of worship and consecration to the Lord. Learn more about the 21-day Daniel Fast by watching this video.

Let Us Know You’reTrying the 21-Day Daniel Fast

Complete Fast

A complete fast is a fast that is specific to food. In this fast, a person goes without food, supplementing their diet with liquids consisting primarily water. Learn more about a complete fast by watching this video.

*One important reminder, as with any changes in one’s dietary practices, you should consult your health care provider to be sure that you are healthy enough to fast from food for any period of time.

Let Us Know Your’e Trying the Complete Fast

Soul Fast

A soul fast is a great option for those who have never fasted from food before, or have health issues that prevent them from fasting from food. A soul fast focuses on abstaining from certain types of media for a set period of time and replacing that time with spending time with God. Learn more about soul fasts by watching this video.

Let Us Know You’re Trying the Soul Fast

Fasting FAQ

What can I do to prepare for my fast?

Before beginning a fast, spend time with the Lord to plan it out. Ask Him for a prayer focus and a vision for the set time. Start your fast with a committed heart and make a verbal commitment to the Lord.

Is fasting a diet?
It is not a diet, starving yourself, or only for crisis moments. So what is it? Fasting is restraining from food for a spiritual purpose. It isn’t about what we lose by not eating food, but by what we gain in Christ as we grow in dependency on Him.

If I am struggling with an eating disorder, should I participate in the food fast?

If you are battling an eating disorder, fasting is not merely abstaining from food and drink. Fasting can include limiting the intake of anything, whether that be media, shopping, television, etc. There are healthy alternatives to sustenance fasting that can bring about the same spiritual transformation as you pursue dependency on the Lord in a fast that isn’t from food. If you struggle with this, take heart for there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. There are other ways you can fast and honor the Lord.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, you can get help at Liberty’s Student Counseling Services at https://www.liberty.edu/students/student-counseling/group-counseling/.

How should I prepare to fast physically?
If you plan on fasting for several days, it is important to transition well. It would be helpful to eat smaller meals before and not consume a large meal as your “last supper” right before. Cutting down your meals a few days before will prepare your mind and stomach that less food is acceptable.

What physical effects should I expect while fasting?
You will feel the most hungry during the first three days of fasting. This is normal due to your body adjusting and drinking water will help with this. Headaches may be a side effect as well due to caffeine and sugar withdrawal, so removing these things a couple of days prior will prevent it.

Do I need to start the fast over again if I make a mistake?
Think of fasting as a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes we will make a mistake, but keep trying and trust that the Lord will continue to honor your commitment to fasting.

Do I continue to exercise while fasting from food?
Moderate exercise like walking is good. However, if you aren’t consuming enough nutrients as you normally would because of fasting, you will not have enough energy for intense exercise.

What if I start fasting and can’t finish out my fast…Was it for nothing?
Spending time with the Lord and seeking Him through prayer is never a waste of time. When you make an effort, the Lord will honor that. The next time you decide to fast, re-evaluate why you couldn’t finish and strive to do even better than before.

How to Fast Safely

Learn more about how you can fast safely. Be sure to consult a doctor about any safety concerns you may have about fasting. In spite of the safety and benefits of fasting, there are certain people who should never fast without professional supervision. This includes persons with eating disorders, persons who are physically too thin or emaciated, persons who are prone to anorexia, bulimia, or other behavioral disorders, those who suffer weakness or anemia, persons who have tumors, bleeding ulcers, cancer, blood diseases, or who have heart disease, those who suffer chronic problems with kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, or other important organs, individuals who take insulin for diabetes or suffer any other blood sugar problem such as hyperglycemia and women who are pregnant or nursing.

Learn more about fasting safely

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