SMGT 504 Foundations of Sport Outreach

This course will investigate the historical foundations and the current development, operation, and biblical justifications for sport outreach programs within church and parachurch organizations.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to relate biblical concepts to sport and recreational ministries. This course will equip the student to handle decision-making, organizational strategies, staffing, training, legal issues, and various roles of leadership as they pertain to a sport ministry’s objectives, goals, and vision.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (7)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, in each Module: Week, the student will be presented with either a unique topic to post about and reply to their colleagues’ posts or post appropriate sections of their sport outreach plans and review and respond to their colleagues’ sport outreach plans. 

Article Critique Assignment

The student will write 1 Article Critique based on a peer-reviewed journal article selected from a list of relevant articles provided. Each critique will include a summary of the article’s purpose, research methods used, significant findings (if any), identification of relevant Biblical principles, and an explanation of how the article relates to sport ministry. The completed article critique will be submitted via Turnitin (a plagiarism detection tool) in Canvas. Each Article Critique must be 2½–3 pages and adhere to current APA format.

Sport Outreach Plan Assignments (7)

Throughout the course, the student will complete a plan that serves as the basis for launching a hypothetical Sport Outreach plan. The student will submit five draft sections, a comprehensive draft, and a revised, final plan.

Draft Part One – Target Population Assignment

As a first step in creating a Sport Outreach plan, the student will research a specific group of people to reach and provide a rationale for why it is an appropriate group to reach through sport. Additionally, the student will provide a Biblical justification for using sport to serve the group. The draft must be in current APA format and include at least 3 formally cited and listed references.

As part of the assignment, the student will also submit their Draft Part One as a post to a Discussion for peer review and feedback.

Draft Part Two – Mission and Vision Assignment

The student will create mission and vision statements, an organizational structure, staffing and funding plan for their proposed Sport Outreach organization and consistent with previous and subsequent elements of the Sport Outreach plan. The draft must be in current APA format and include at least 3 formally cited and listed references.

As part of the assignment, the student will also submit their Draft Part Two as a post to a Discussion for peer review and feedback.

Draft Part Three – Programming Activities Assignment

The student will create a description of the programming for the Sport Outreach (the proposed activities) to include descriptions and planning for travel, facility and equipment needs as applicable. The description should be consistent with previous and subsequent elements of the Sport Outreach plan. The draft must be in current APA format and include at least 3 formally cited and listed references.

As part of the assignment, the student will also submit their Draft Part Three as a post to a Discussion for peer review and feedback.

Draft Part Four – Evangelism and Discipleship Assignment

The student will develop and present a plan for intentionally prioritizing evangelism and discipleship in their Sport Outreach efforts. The draft will include specific examples of how this will be implemented. The intentionality plan should be consistent with previous and subsequent elements of the Sport Outreach plan. The draft must be in current APA format and include at least 3 formally cited and listed references.

As part of the assignment, the student will also submit their Draft Part Four as a post to a Discussion for peer review and feedback.

Draft Part Five – Incorporating Peer Review Assignment

The student will summarize the feedback received from colleagues and the course instructor for the first for parts of the draft Sport Outreach plan. The student will provide a reaction to the feedback and explain how they will implement the feedback in their plan. The draft must be in current APA format and include at least 3 formally cited and listed references which can include discussion posts from the course.

Sport Outreach Plan – Comprehensive Draft Assignment

The student will submit a comprehensive draft of their sport outreach plan. The draft should be in current APA format, include at least 10 pages of text, and be supported with at least 9 formally cited and listed references.

Final Sport Outreach – Final Assignment

The student will submit a comprehensive draft of their sport outreach plan. The draft should be in current APA format, include at least 10 pages of text, and be supported with at least 9 formally cited and listed references.

The final submission will include revisions based on instructor feedback and will include an accompanying log of changes and revisions.


The student will take 1 open-book/open-notes quiz in this course. The quiz will consist of 25 multiple-choice and true/false questions. There will be a 1-hour time limit.

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