CLED 765 Trends & Issues of Contemporary Leadership

In this course, students will research and present contemporary issues and trends relevant to the fields of leadership and education. Current literature and research is presented and discussed. Each topic is then examined biblically and theologically. Topics are determined in consultation with course professors as the student begins to develop a line of research that eventually leads to the development of the dissertation topic and research questions.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The purpose of this course is to expose the student to contemporary issues and trends relevant to the fields of Christian leadership and education so that they can apply current research to Christian leadership and education principles.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview module.

Discussions: Threads and Replies (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each post and reply must be at least 100 words. Content will be posted for each discussion. Each response will demonstrate course-related knowledge. (CLO: C)

Literature Review Assignments (3)

The Literature Review is an important part of the student’s dissertation as it seeks to summarize or synthesize their findings into a cohesive structure. The review of the literature provides the reader with important information about the sources or it may provide an integrative view of the student’s findings. In short, the literature review presents a cohesive structure of others’ ideas without adding new information to the presentation. For this assignment, the student will submit the Review in three sections. (CLO: D)

Literature Review: References Assignment

The student will identify a current topic, trend, or issue in Christian Leadership and select 5 – 10 current resources that address Christian leadership with an emphasis on that one particular trend or issue. These sources must be diverse (i.e. a book, a journal, a dissertation, a web article, etc.) and are no older than 5 years from the current date. This assignment must conform to APA 7 standards.

Literature Review: Outline Assignment

Using the 5-10 references collected for the Literature Review: References Assignment, the student will craft a detailed outline, which must include an introduction, 2 – 3 elements of the body, and a summary/conclusion. The student should also include the References section with this assignment. References section must reflect edits and revisions. The Literature Review: Outline Assignment must be 1 – 2 pages in length.

Literature Review: Body Assignment

Based upon the previous Literature Review Assignment submissions, the student will prepare a narrative review of the literature by developing the body of the literature review. This is where the student will present the findings of the review of literature. This assignment must use appropriate headings, referencing sources as the primary voice, and flesh out the outline. This assignment should include the Bibliography and Outline sections and meet the previous reference requirements. All sections must reflect corrected revisions and edits. This assignment must conform to APA 7 standards, include 5-10 references, and must be 3 – 5 pages in length.

Research Profile Assignments (2)

The Research Profile is an important part of the process of taking ownership of the dissertation phase. It allows the student to begin identifying their intentions for the study by describing the topic, significance, and research objectives. The student will begin some of the first phases of their dissertation process with the Research Profile. This is sometimes referred to as the Intent of Study and it signals the first steps in narrowing the focus of research. For this assignment, the student will submit the Profile in two different iterations. (CLO: E)

Research Profile: Draft Assignment

The student will write a 1 – 2 paragraph description of the topic the student has identified. This topic must be a specific, researchable entity. This section of the assignment must reference at least 1 scholarly source. The student will also write a 1 – 2 paragraph description of the significance of that topic or issue for research in Christian leadership. This section of the assignment must reference at least 1 scholarly source.

Research Profile: Final Assignment

The Research Profile: Final Assignment must include all sections (including the previous Research Profile: Draft sections). The student will write a 1 – 2 paragraph description of the theological significance or application to that topic. This section of the assignment must reference at least 1 commentary or Bible tool. The student will also write a 1 – 2 paragraph description of the one main goal or outcome of this research investigation. This assignment must conform to current APA formatting.

Leadership Webinar Reflection Assignment

Ongoing professional development opportunities are an important part of the doctoral process. This connects the student with the wider network of resources and key voices in the field. The Leadership Webinar allows asynchronous attendance at the webinar of a student’s choosing. (CLO: C)

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