STCO 526 Strategic Storytelling

Investigative journalism in the digital age.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

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Great stories attract people—including employees, customers, members, and donors—so knowing how to spot, tell, and properly frame a story is a critical skill in the present day. Practitioners who are able to create an emotional connection between their publics and organization are well on their way to creating a brand identity. This course provides the student with a theoretical and practical understanding of strategic/directed storytelling and its role in branding for-profit, non-profit, and ministry organizations.

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to complete 2 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 200 words. For each thread, the student must support his/her assertions with at least 1 citation in APA format. Acceptable sources include: the textbook, the Bible, etc..

At the start of the class term, the professor will provide the brand that the student will examine. Each member of the class will study the same brand. In this assignment, the student will be asked to provide the brand’s backstory, The paper must be 2 full pages (although exceeding this minimum is encouraged), double-spaced, must include 4 sources (including the organization’s website), and must be written in current APA-7 format.

At the start of the class term, the professor will provide the brand that the student will examine. Each member of the class will study the same brand. In this assignment, the student will examine the brand’s inner and outer layer. The paper must be 3 full pages (although exceeding this minimum is encouraged), double-spaced, must include 4 sources (including the organization’s website), and must be written in current APA-7 format.

The Bible is full of stories, and these stories are not meant to merely pass along information; they are meant to connect at the heart and soul level. The student will select a story from the Bible that fully connects to his/her heart and soul, and he/she will explain this connection using several of the principles of Storybranding. The paper must be 3 full pages (although exceeding this minimum is encouraged), double-spaced, and must be written in current APA-7 format.

At the start of the class term, the professor will provide the brand that the student will examine. Each member of the class will study the same brand. In this assignment, the student will examine the brand’s obstacles and prospects inner and outer layer. The paper must be 3 full pages (although exceeding this minimum is encouraged), double-spaced, must include 4 sources (including the organization’s website), and must be written in current APA-7 format.

After studying the Storybranding paradigm, the student will create a 3 to 5 minute video that explains what he/she conceives his/her personal brand to be. The student can use whatever video camera or software with which he/she is familiar. If the student does not use Kaltura, which is connected to LU’s online course work, the student should post to YouTube and share the link.

At the start of the class term, the professor will provide the brand that the student will examine. Each member of the class will study the same brand. In this assignment, the student will assess whether the brand’s story connects to its prospect. The paper must be 2 full pages (although exceeding this minimum is encouraged), double-spaced, must include 4 sources (including the organization’s website), and must be written in current APA-7 format.

Quizzes (7)

The student will complete each week’s reading and then take the quiz that is associated with the reading. The quizzes will be open-book/open-notes, and contain 20 multiple/choice, true/false, and short answer questions. The quizzes will allow 1 attempt and will have no time limit.


The quiz will cover all the Learn material for the course. The quiz will be open book/open notes and contain 40 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay question. The time limit for the quiz will be 1 hour and 30 minutes.

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