EVCP 830 Methods and Models for Evangelistic Church Planting

This course will appraise different church planting models and systems in order to design a church plant proposal.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

As a part of the Evangelism and Church Planting (EVCP) cognate, this course will provide practical application to the goal of making disciples that will multiply churches. Evangelistic church planting demands an understanding of current models and strategies for design and implementation.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview. 

Discussions (2)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you are required to create an initial thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be a minimum of 500–600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and biblical principles and/or Scripture. In addition to the initial thread, you are required to reply to two classmates’ initial thread. Each reply must be 200–250 substantive words. (CLO’s: A, B)

Book Critique Assignments (2)

The student will write 2 book critiques for this course. Each will be 800–1,000 words and follow current Turabian format. The first will cover Global Church Planting, and the second will cover Planting Missional Churches. Each book critique must include a summary of the main idea and content of the book as well as a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. (CLO’s: A, B)

Church Health Assessment Assignment

There are several ways to assess the health of a local church. In this assignment, specific attention will be given to the church’s past and present ability to multiply disciples that multiply churches.

For the questions below, the student will give a personal assessment of his/her church then have two members who are in leadership positions (pastor, deacon, ministry leader, etc.) to give an assessment of the church’s health. After gathering the information, give a one-page summary of the data collected and a one-page summary of the overall health of the church. Any sources used must be cited in current Turabian format. (CLO’s: A, D)

Church Plant Proposal: Mission and Core Values Assignment

A church plant proposal provides an overview of the plant’s mission and strategy. It is an essential tool for casting vision, recruiting team members, and raising financial support.

Each student will examine four, church plant proposals provided in this module. After analyzing the proposals, the student will begin the process of creating a church plant proposal that will be completed near the end of the term.

For this assignment, the student will compose a two-page paper. The first page will summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the four proposals. For the second page, the student will begin the process of creating a church plant proposal by determining the name of the church, a mission statement, core values, and location. Any sources used must be cited in current Turabian format. (CLO’s: B, C)

Church Plant Proposal: Team and Budget Assignment

A church plant proposal provides an overview of the plant’s mission and strategy. It is an essential tool for casting vision, recruiting team members, and raising financial support.

For the second part of this analysis assignment, the student will again consult the four proposals provided earlier and compose a two page paper. The first page will describe the dynamics of choosing a church plant team. Consider the books on the required reading list for additional help. The second page will provide a proposed budget for the church plant and a 3–5 year timeline for the church from its inception to its self-sufficiency. Any sources used must be cited in current Turabian format. (CLO’s: B, C)

Church Plant Proposal: Final Submission Assignment

A church plant proposal provides an overview of the plant’s mission and strategy. It is an essential tool for casting vision, recruiting team members, and raising financial support.

For this assignment, each student will complete a church plant proposal. Information from previous assignments and the example proposals will assist in this project. A finished proposal should have a combination of written content, pictures, and charts or graphs. The student may use himself/herself as the lead planter (even if he/she does not intend to plant a church). Another person may used as well, but please get permission from anyone whose pictures will be used.

Each completed proposal will be 10–12 pages. Footnotes and citations are not required. This project does not need to conform to Turabian style. It should look like a presentation that explains and advertises a church plant. (CLO’s: B, C)

Principles for a Healthy, Multiplying Church Assignment

We have learned in this course that multiplying churches are motivated by the Great Commission. The pastoral epistles teach us what a healthy, multiplying church looks like. Throughout this term, students have been reflecting on 1 Timothy and Paul’s instruction to Timothy to lead a church that proclaims the gospel, makes disciples, avoids error, and lives on mission.

Each student will compose a 9–10 paper, double spaced, using the most current Turabian style. This paper will provide principles and commentary on what a healthy, multiplying church looks like from 1 Timothy. Commentaries on 1 Timothy, the required reading for this course, and other relevant sources should be used. This paper should have 8-10 ten sources in the bibliography and 20-25 footnotes.  (CLO: D)

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