COUC 810 Dissemination of Research and Scholarship in Counseling

This course offers an orientation to writing and disseminating presentations and publications to the field of counseling in a variety of venues. Principles of research and scholarly writing are reviewed and skills are emphasized that provide readiness for manuscript preparation, submission, review, editorial, and presentation processes. The skills developed in this course will equip budding scholars to make a difference for Christ as expert writers and presenters in their chosen areas of counseling specialization.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Developing the ability to disseminate research and scholarship into the field of counseling is necessary for leaders in the field (CACREP, 6.B.4). In this course, doctoral students will learn to advocate for and support clients and communities through impactful and meaningful scholarly endeavors.

Method of Instruction: This semester-long course is delivered using a digital synchronous intensive format. Students attend 36-40 hours of video -based instruction using a digital synchronous platform. In addition to the one week of digital synchronous class time, students are expected to complete additional work online both pre and post intensive over the duration of this course.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Resources.

Advising Acknowledgement Quiz

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Quiz: Pre-Intensive Reading

Students will read chapters 1 – 4, & 11 of the Jalongo and Saracho text (2016) and read the entire Rocco and Hatcher text. Complete the reading and open book short-essays test as soon as the semester begins. The quiz is comprehensive and a necessary foundation for the intensive week. As this assignment forms a foundation for the intensive experience, students who do not complete and submit the quiz before the intensive will not be able to attend the intensive. This quiz may be taken over time, saving your answers along the way. Students will cite all answers with page numbers. Instead of including direct quotes from the texts, critical analysis and synthesization of responses are required. (CLO B, F, H)

Quiz: Dispositions Reflection

This Dispositions Reflection quiz will ask you to rate yourself on the nine dispositions required for this program by our accrediting bodies. Students will complete this quiz to reflect on their dispositions as they prepare for the intensive week. Students can review descriptions of dispositions in the program handbook and in the assignment in this course. 

Quizzes: Intensive Week Journal (5)

The student will engage in reflective journal writing to facilitate reflection and processing his/her learning and the events of each day of the intensive. (CLO A, B, E, H) 

Manuscript Submission I Assignment

During the intensive portion of the course, the student will be assigned to a team and work on writing a manuscript for submission to an ACA peerreviewed journal. The specific journal will be identified, proper APA format will support all points and facts presented in the paper, and all journal guidelines will be met.  (CLO C, D, E, F, G)

Counseling Conference Proposal Assignment

Complete a counseling conference proposal. This proposal will be completed according to the conference proposal guidelines identified during the intensive week utilizing an original topic. Students will submit the completed application. Then, after receiving a grade for the assignment, the proposal will be submitted to the conference.   (CLO A, B, H)

Counseling Conference PowerPoint and Handout Assignment

Students will complete a PowerPoint and Handout on the Conference Proposal designated topic. It is thematic and orient the audience on the selected topic. This will present the information from the Conference proposal in a teaching format. (CLO A, B, H) 

Quiz: Confirmation of Counseling Conference Proposal Submission

All completed counseling conference proposals will be submitted by the lead author to the designated conference.

After submitting the proposal to the designated counseling conference, the lead author will email all proposal authors a copy of the confirmation page. Each student will upload a copy of the proposal confirmation as proof of submission. 

Quiz: Center for Research and Scholarship (CRS) Grant Application Assignment Proof

Students will access the CRS website here: website and complete the application form. Students will NOT submit the application. Instead, they will take a screenshot of the completed application and provide proof of completion by uploading a copy of the screenshot. (CLO B)

Benchmark Manuscript Submission II Assignment

The student will revise their submission of the Assignment: Manuscript Submission I based on the instructors’ feedback. The final version of the manuscript will be submitted for this assignment. (CLO C, D, E, F, G)

Quiz: Confirmation of Journal Submission

After submitting the manuscript to the designated journal, the lead author will email all manuscript authors a copy of the confirmation page. Each student will upload a copy of the submission confirmation as proof of submission.  

Class Participation and Professionalism Evaluation

Students will participate in various exercises, activities, and group projects designed to help them master the course objectives. Students will also participate in self-awareness and self-learning activities throughout the course. This course’s professors will assess student participation and professionalism based on the Participation and Professionalism Grading Rubric. Scores will be posted at the end of the semester and reflect the participation and professionalism of each student throughout. 

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