COMS 542 Communication in Christian Ministry
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
In is important that effective communication skills be used in the ministry context. Specific concepts of theory will be applied from communication theory in general, interpersonal communication, small group communiation, listening, language use, nonverbal communication, leadership, public speaking, and organizational communication in the ministry contexts of personal evangelism, small group communication settings, public speaking settings, and work in the ministry based organization.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (2)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will be required to post at least two discussions during the semester. The first discussion is an introduction of themselves to the rest of the class. The second discussion comes as a take-away on what was learned through participation in the small group problem solving activity. Both discussions must be completed by the student and include an initial posting of 400 words and two responses of 200 words each.
Reflection Papers Assignment (4)
The student will write four 3-page reflection papers based on the reading assignments. The topics are as follows: Personality-based Evangelism, Falling In Love With God’s Word, Journey of the Soul, and Preaching That Connects. These papers will be due throughout the duration of the course.
Inductive Bible Study Preparation Assignment
The student will select a passage of scripture and prepare notes for an inductive Bible study. This assignment will walk the student through the process of framing scriptural context, analyzing key words, researching other scholarly materials, internalizing the passage, and actualizing scripture in order to change behavior.
Research Paper Assignment
Based on the reading from Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Gregory Koukl, the student will write a 10-page essay paper, double spaced, with title page, using current APA format, addressing the question: “How can I reach people for Christ who have a post-modern mindset?” No Bibliography is required.
Small Group Assessment Assignment
For this 6-page paper, the student will be reviewing a video-tape of a Bible study. The student will be categorizing communication behaviors, both verbal and non-verbal, and come to conclusions about the role each plays. Goals for improving communication will be developed.
Spiritual Growth Evaluation Assignment
The student will write a 3–5-page analysis which summarizes his or her personal spiritual journey and includes a reflection on the peer interview. The paper will analyze the student’s level of self-disclosure, comfort zone, and preferred communication techniques. It also requires the student to consider whether or not the peer interview could serve as a tool for spiritual growth and development if converted into a long-term accountability scenario.
Peer Interview: Sharing Your Spiritual Journey Assignment
The student will take turns interviewing one other classmate regarding his or her spiritual journey. The interview will involve answering questions about spiritual experiences and future goals, as well as where the student is currently in his or her spiritual development. The interviewer will compile his or her notes into a 1-page summary for submission.
Group Project: A Church In Transition Assignment
The student will take on the role of member of an ad hoc committee commissioned by the church in order to develop a five year plan in which he or she addresses where the church will be in five years. The group will also create a methodology with a time-line on how to get there. Using the Group Discussion, the committee will analyze the problem(s) presented, identify solutions, and create a plan for implementing the best answer to the church’s dilemma. One representative from the group will submit a 5-page summary of the group’s ideas and decisions.
Informative Speech Assignment
The student will give an 8–10-minute informative speech in front of a small group from church or in front of the congregation. The student will record the speech with a digital video recorder and post it on YouTube for the instructor to view. As a visual aid, the student will also create a PowerPoint presentation to accompany the speech. The student will also provide an outline and reference page that includes at least six sources in current APA format.
Persuasive Speech Assignment
The student will give an 8–10-minute persuasive speech in front of a small group from church or in front of the congregation. The student will record the speech with a digital video recorder and post it on YouTube for the instructor to view. As a visual aid, the student will also create a PowerPoint presentation to accompany the speech. The assignment requires an outline and reference page with at least 6 sources in current APA format. The purpose of this speech is to help people recognize a need in the church, community, etc., and persuade a certain course of action within the church to fulfill that need.
Quizzes (2)
The student will take a Quiz: Midterm Exam and Quiz: Final Exam over selected readings from the Wallace text. The exams will be open-book and open-notes, contain fifty true/false and multiple-choice questions, and have a 1-hour and 30-minute time limit.

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