BMAL 770 Ethical Leadership
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
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The student in the Doctor of Strategic Leadership program will explore ethics, reasoning, and worldviews to prepare him/her to guide organizations using sound morals. The course will engage and integrate worldviews, logic, and organizational ethics in global complexity from a practical practitioner perspective.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
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Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (5)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences, therefore the student will complete 5 discussions in this course. Each thread must be 750–1000 words, and include at least 4 scholarly sources (with a limit of 1 popular press article per module). In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to at least 2 other classmates’ thread. Each reply should be 320–380 words and include 2 scholarly sources. The student is also required to respond to 2 different replies to their own thread. Each response must be 220–280 words, and must include at least 1 scholarly source. If no replies were posted to the student’s initial thread, responses can be posted to the replies of other students’ threads.
Case Study in Ethics Assignment
The student will write a 6–8 page paper in current APA format that focuses on an examination of the ethical dimensions involved in, surrounding, causing, or resulting from an examination of ethics from a chosen case study. The purpose is to reveal what can be learned about ethics in leadership and organization from observing a real situation or dilemma. The paper must include at least 4 sources in addition to any course textbooks, and the Bible must be referenced.
Ethical Leadership Article Critique Assignment
The Article Critique assignment is intended to examine recent research in ethics with an eye toward developing critical consumer information practices while being exposed to recent ethical theory work. The student will write a 4–6 page paper in current APA format. The paper will contain insight and criticism based on the thoughtful review of a chosen article viewed through the ethical, reasoning, and worldview concepts covered in this course and prior coursework. The paper is intended to be an examination of the ethical dimensions discussed in the article, the research methods or reasoning used, the biases of the authors (claimed or unspoken), the key important findings, and the questions resulting. In addition to the article reviewed, the Bible, and textbooks, at least 2 sources must be referenced.
Ethical Leadership Article Critique Peer Review Assignment
The Article Critique Peer Review assignment is an opportunity to learn from the analysis of a fellow student while seeking to deepen the article and subject matter evaluation. The peer review will also allow the student to practice evaluating other’s efforts and provide feedback incorporating Christian truth and grace. The student will write a 3–4 page paper in current APA format. In addition to the course textbooks and the Bible, the student should draw on in-course and extra-course materials, and reference at least 1 additional source not used in the original critique.
Research Paper in Ethics Assignment
The Research Paper is an examination of ethical leadership encompassing the range of complex issues, constructs, forces, and worldviews that influence the contemporary leader. The purpose is for the student to develop their unique concept of the ethical leader by assessing, describing, supporting, and presenting those elements considered most critical. The student will write a 10–14 page paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 6 sources in addition to any course textbooks, and the Bible must be referenced. In addition, Merida, the DSL program reference, must be included and integrated into the discussion as one of the textbooks.

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