ADCN 667 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Addictive Disorders

Students become knowledgeable of the principles of clinical diagnosis and the development of treatment plans. The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is emphasized, with consideration also given to dimensional, relational, and systemic issues important in diagnosis and treatment planning. Substance related and addictive disorders are emphasized with special consideration given to co-occurrence with other disorders.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The Department of Counselor Education and Family Studies is committed to preparing students who can interview, evaluate, and treat clients professionally, effectively, and ethically without violating their biblical worldview and in a way that integrates that worldview into their work. The intent of this course is to prepare students for the pragmatics of their clinical work in addiction counseling internship environments. Christian counselors should be competent in all areas of clinical work regardless of the setting in which they work. Being able to conduct an appropriate, professional, and clinically sound interview is the basis of all counseling. Based upon the data obtained in the interview counselors must be able to case conceptualize, accurately diagnose, and plan a course of treatment for addiction clients, essential skills for all counselors.

Note: This is the 8-week online version of the ADCN 667 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Addictive Disorders course. It is intended for those students who already have experience working in the field of addiction with direct client contact which includes the use of basic counseling skills and some type of formal interviewing and assessment. Students are encouraged to take the intensive version of the course, especially if they do not have such experience.

Textbook/article readings and lecture presentations

The student will complete required reading and viewing of video presentations in the appropriate module/week according to the Course Schedule. (partially meets CLO A., B., D., H.)

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be 350–400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student will write at least 2 replies to other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 150–200 words and include citations to strengthen the points the student is making in all three posts. If the student cites a scholarly source not included in this course’s content, he/she must utilize current APA format for citation and list the reference at the bottom of the post. (partially meets CLO B., G.)

DSM Presentation Assignment

The DSM presentation assignment is designed to help the student understand and review the purpose and the process of using the DSM to diagnose clients. Based on the readings of section one of the DSM-5, the student will develop a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the basic concepts of the DSM-5, including how to use it, the overall structure, special considerations, and the elements of a diagnosis.

Case Study Assignments (3)

Based upon the approved case study, the student will complete 3 assignments related to the case study. These are established to scaffold learning for the student as he/she works through the case during the course. The assignments are as follows:

  1. Case Study: Screening and Assessment is designed to help the student understand the proper screening and assessments to use with a client.
  2. Case Study: Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis Assignment is designed to help the student understand the process of case conceptualization and diagnosis. 
  3. Case Study: Treatment Plan Assignment is designed to help the student understand the process of treatment planning. 

Each Case Study should be 3–5 pages. (partially meets CLO: A, C, D, H)

Quiz: Case Study Approval

This quiz will give the student the opportunity to provide the professor with 3 options for the case study used throughout the rest of the course. This case study can come from pop culture, movies, celebrities, etc. The instructor will let the student know which of these are approved for use for the rest of the course.

Quizzes: Diagnosis (SUDs and Dual) (2)

Each quiz will include 2 case studies with which the student will complete a diagnosis and provide a rationale. Since the quiz is application-oriented, the student may use his/her DSM and other resources, but may not consult with another person for help. 

The purpose of the quiz is to evaluate each student’s ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize client data and then apply the diagnostic criteria to a series of case studies in order to arrive at an accurate DSM diagnosis. (partially meets CLO: E, F)

Quiz: Dispositions Reflection

The student will complete a selfreflection quiz where he/she will rate himself/herself in each of the described dispositional areas. The student will also be asked to reflect on a growth area, detailing a change he/she will make in order to facilitate growth.

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