WRIT 500 Workplace Writing

This course will equip students with practical knowledge, skills, and abilities for professional writing in the workplace.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

In the workplace environment, there is a great need for those who can think clearly and communicate effectively. Professional communication enables productive work, and effective communicators make good professionals who are valued by their employers. By developing the student’s understanding of document types, formatting, editing, audience, purpose, and writing, this course will provide students with writing fundamentals to communicate effectively in the workplace. 

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (2)

The student will participate in two (2) discussions, each requiring an original post of 300-400 words, which must demonstrate comprehension of and engagement with course content. Original posts must be well-reasoned responses to instructor questions, with supporting documentation from course readings, presentations, and other carefully evaluated sources. The student must cite and reference all borrowed words and ideas in original responses and follow-up evaluations of peers’ posts. Follow-up evaluations of peers’ posts must be 300-400 words, must demonstrate critical engagement with the ideas of others, and cite and reference some authoritative sources.

Ethics Memo Assignment

The student will be presented with an ethical dilemma and in response will submit a 1–2 page memo detailing how he/she would react in the situation proposed. 

Complaint and Adjustment Letters Assignment

For this assignment, the student is to practice writing a complaint letter to a particular company expressing concern over a recent experience. Following the complaint letter, the student is to write an adjustment letter as if he/she was writing from the company who just received the previous complaint letter.

Informal Proposal Assignment

The student must write an informal proposal following the example provided in chapter 12 of Oliu et al. (2020). The completed proposal will be 7-10 pages, including elements shown in the course content.

Formal Report Assignment

In the informal proposal from the previous module, the student will have already identified a problem or opportunity in his/her workplace or community that should be addressed. This formal report will determine what is the best solution among possible options. It is expected that the student’s formal report be approximately 10 pages in length.

Narrated PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

The student will create a 5–minute narrated PowerPoint presentation that provides the information from the report submitted in the previous module. Approximately 10 PowerPoint slides will be visually appealing and will complement the student’s audio presentation of the report’s contents.

Application Cover Letter and Résumé Assignment

The student is to use course texts to create a one-page application cover letter and a one- or two-page résumé for a position that the student may desire.

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