SCI 0800: Physical Science

05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/29/2024

Course Description

This year-long course introduces students to chemistry and physics. Students apply foundational skills such as critical thinking, scientific measurement, and graphing to various lessons and experiments about scientific laws of the physical and chemical world. Students experiment hands-on using an “at home” lab kit to complete required exercises throughout the course. Additionally, students propose and investigate a scientific phenomenon by completing a Science Fair Project. Major topics include the laws of Newton and Galileo, friction, pendulums, centripetal force, work, simple machines, types of energy, electricity, light, atomic theory, chemical reactions, and the behavior of matter. For the duration of the course, the student will investigate God’s order and sense of balance in the working of his creation and the mechanisms that maintain natural laws. This course requires the purchase of an at-home physical lab kit in order to perform the labs for this course. A lab fee will be assessed automatically during Financial Check-In, and the fee is also listed on the fees page. The kit will be shipped from the first day of class and should arrive at your home within the first two weeks after the course start date. Please ensure that an accurate shipping address is on file during Financial Check-In, as that will be the address to which the lab kit is shipped.

Next Start Date*

Next Monday


Lab Kit and Fee

This course requires the purchase of an at-home physical lab kit in order to perform the labs for this course. A lab fee will be assessed automatically during Financial Check-In, and the fee is also listed on the fees page. The kit will be shipped from the first day of class and should arrive at your home within the first two weeks after the course start date. Please ensure that an accurate shipping address is on file during Financial Check-In as that will be the address to which the lab kit is shipped.


Module 1: Measurement & Scientific Investigation

  • Week 1: Scientific Method
  • Week 2: Numbers and Measurements
  • Week 3: Graphing
  • Week 4: Volume and Density

Module 2: Force & Motion

  • Week 5: Newton’s Laws
  • Week 6: Newton’s 3rd Law
  • Week 7: Forces that Move and Float
  • Week 8: Centripetal Force
  • Week 9: Quarter 1 Review and Exam

Module 3: Work & Power

  • Week 10: Work & Power
  • Week 11: Simple Machines, Part 1
  • Week 12: Simple Machines, Part 2
  • Week 13: Supporting Work

Module 4: Energy & Matter

  • Week 14: Types of Energy
  • Week 15: Conservation of Energy
  • Week 16: Properties of Matter
  • Week 17: Breaking It Down
  • Week 18: Quarter 2 Review and Exam

Module 5: Electricity

  • Week 19: The Shocking Truth About Electricity
  • Week 20: Insulators and Conductors

Module 6: Magnets

  • Week 21: Using Magnets
  • Week 22: How Magnets are in Machines
  • Week 23: Continuing with Magnets

Module 7: Light & Waves

  • Week 24: Waves that Affect Us
  • Week 25: The Parts of Light
  • Week 26: How Sound is Used
  • Week 27: Quarter 3 Review and Exam

Module 8: Nuclear & Atomic Theory

  • Week 28: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds
  • Week 29: The Periodic Table
  • Week 30: More on the Periodic Table
  • Week 31: How Atoms React
  • Week 32: Finishing the Science Fair Project

Module 9: Chemical Reactions

  • Week 33: Chemical Bonds
  • Week 34: More Chemical Bonding
  • Week 35: What is pH?
  • Week 36: Quarter 4 Review and Exam
*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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